Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
This data must then be processed and merged so as to obtain the 
exterior orientation parameters of the camera. 
Figure 4. Diagram of aluminium bar design 
3.1 Data acquisition and elaboration 
The data obtained from POLIFEMO is complex, made up of: 
- Data relating to the Position (spatial and angular); 
- Data relating to the Time; 
- Images. 
There are different ways to process and store this data depending 
on the type. 
The images are recorded on the camera's smart card, while the 
moment of shooting is memorised, along with the data relating to 
the spatial position on the GPS system's smart card. 
The angular position data obtained from the DMC system, after 
being matched to the time data obtained from the GPS, is 
recorded on the hard disk of the computer, making it possible to 
compare the two. The storing of the images, of the shots and the 
spatial position data is automatic but a special program was 
written in C'* in order to synchronize DMC data acquisition 
with the times obtained from the GPS receiver. 
An example of an output file can be seen in table 5. The compass 
was programmed to acquire data at a frequency of 50Hz while 
the temporal signal was emitted by the GPS receiver every 10Hz, 
therefore for every *GPS time" there are five values from the 
Time Az Elev Bank 
17 01 39.20 132.7 4.15 -1.03 
17 01 39.20 133.2 4.03 -1.10 
j7 01 3920 134.] 3.99. -0.99 
17 01 39.20 134.6 4.02 -0.90 
1701 3020 133.5 411 -096 
17 01 39.30 133.8 4.07 -0.98 
17 01 39.30 133.6 4.09 -0.96 
17 01 39.30 133.2 4.15 -0.96 
17.01 39.30 133.8 4.11 -0.93 
17 01 39.30 134.1 3.98 -1.00 
17 01 39.40 133.9 4.11 -0.91 
Table 5. An example output from DMC acquisition data 
The images do not need to be processed but the data stored in the 
GPS memory as well as that on the hard disk of the PC do, in 
order to obtain the exterior orientation parameters of the 
The GPS gives *.dat file containing all the information relating 
to the spatial position of the WGS84 system GPS antenna 
mounted on to POLIFEMO as well as that relating to the 
moment of shooting. This file is elaborated by the Geomatics 
Office software developed by Trimble and then combined with 
the data from a fixed station, used as previously described, as a 
local reference point. 
The final processing of the kinematically post processed data 
results in a file containing positional data (X, Y, Z) 
corresponding to the moment in which the camera took a shot in 
the Datum WGS84 (see table 6). 
The processing described in the preceding paragraph supplied 
the spatial coordinates and the angular values corresponding to 
the phase centre of the GPS aerial at the moment of the camera 
shot. One further processing phase is now required in order to 
obtain the exterior orientation parameters of the image, in other 
words, the spatial coordinates of the projection centre in the 
exterior reference system and the inner orientation parameters in 
relation to the exterior. To this end, a proprietary software was 
written in Matlab. The software input data is the following: 
- the file generated by the software written in C^" for 
managing data obtained from the DMC (output in Table 5); 
- the *dat file generated and processed by the Geomatics 
Office software (output in Table 6); 
- the X, Y and Z coordinates in WGS84 of the selected point 
of origin of the Local Geodetic System (position of the 
master station); 
-  theacquisition frequency of the GPS and DMC data; 
- the calibration file of the bar containing the geometric 
information regarding the reciprocal position. of the 
components of the measuring system. 
Figure 8 shows the relationship between the system components 
and the reference systems used. Note the assumption that the 
Local Geodetic System (the exterior system) and the System 
Body (linked to the compass) are parallel at rest (when a = 0, à = 
0ew= 0). 
Shooting Instant XwGs84 Z WGS8A 
15: 13. 17.033066 4687573.368 1230034.929 
15 13 17.044898 
15 13 24.196690 
15 13 24.206617 
15 13 24.218686 
4687573.368 1230034.929 
4687573.368 1230034.929 
4687573.368 1230034.929 
4687573.368 1230034.929 
Table 6. Output of the Geomatics Office software (only event 

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