Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

tanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
For having control on the results, the coordinates of unknown 
points were calculated independently by direct geodetic 
4.2.8 Pixel Size and Resolution : The size of the object which 
is imaged on a single CCD element is dependent on the optical 
properties of the sensor and on the actual size of the CCD. In 
this project, CCD system with a fixed locus contains arrays of 
1856*%1392 CCDs with 180 dpi resolution for images, each 
element is 0.14mm and, with the focal length of 7-70mm at the 
distance of 10-20m the sizes of 19.6mm,39.2 mm and 196mm 
on the object is recorded. This size is known as the 
instantaneous field of view (IFOV) and in many cases, 
corresponds to the area on the object covered by a single 
element of the image. 
43 Photographic data acquisition 
After taking photos according to network design and preparing 
images, it was needed to extract information of these photos . 
Photos that were taken in the area, are imported in the 
photomode photogrammetric work station and the 2D 
coordinate of each control point was determined. According to 
the pixel size (0.14 mm) and 8x zoom availability in photomod 
system, it was possible to centre in each target point with the 
accuracy about 0.002 mm. 
44 Data processing 
All image coordinate of control points and unknown points 
were used as input for the software "Self Calibration" and 
adjustment calculating were applied in "photo variant" 
mode(Fiag and Amer, 1996). 
Self calibration bundle adjustment computations were used 
once for first epoch of observation and once for second 
observation. After that, the displacement of desired points, are 
calculated. In these computations unknown parameters were: 
- External orientation and calibration parameters of the camera 
- Unknown points coordinate 
Result of calculations are shown in tables 4,5,6,7 and 8. 
Point dX(m) dY (m) dZ(m) 
18 +0.0015203 +0.0033874 +0.0001556 
19 +0.0017333 +0.0040771 +0.0001910 
20 +0.001582 +0.004541 +0.0002130 
21 +0.00138 +0.0039733 +0.0001861 
Table 4. The Displacements Computed between Two epochs of 
By statistical analysis of the results, the accuracy value from 
variance-covariance matrix is retrieved: 
SX(mm) SY(mm) SZ(mm) 
Average 0.99 0.98 0.90 
Table 5. Average value of accuracies for Computed Coordinates 
by Close-range Method In First Observation 
SX(mm) SY(mm) SZ(mm) 
Average 0.97 0.96 1.00 
Table 6. Average value of accuracies for Computed Coordinates 
by Close-range Method In second Observation 
To have a control on the accuracies of the computation, the 
ground coordinate of unknown points, were calculated, and the 
differences between results were computed. As can be seen in 
tables 7 and 8, there is an acceptable difference between the 
adjusted coordinates of these four points by geodetic method, 
and photogrammetric method, and also the difference along X- 
axis, Y-axis and Z-axis in both of the epochs for all of the four 
points are similar. 
Point dX(m) dY(m) dZ(m) 
18....1..:0.0027153 0.0018019 0.0013975 
19 0.0027198 0.0017883 0.0013975 
20 0.0027243 0.0017883 0.0013975 
21 0.0027198 0.0017746 0.0013975 
Table 7. difference between Computed Coordinates by Close- 
range method and Ground Coordinates Obtained by 
Geodetic Method In First Observation epoch 
Point dX(m) dY(m) dZ(m) 
18 0.0016901 0.0019948 0.0088388 
19 0.0016901 0.0019948 0.0088388 
20 0.0016901 0.0019948 0.0088388 
2] 0.0016901 0.0020009 0.0089758 
Table 8. difference between Computed Coordinates by Close- 
range method and Ground Coordinates Obtained by 
Geodetic Method In Second Observation epoch (14 
days later) 
The displacement along X-axis represents the horizontal 
displacement that shows the amount of distance that rollers 
must be moved toward each other or against each other. 
The displacement along Y-axis represents the vertical 
displacement that shows the amount value of misalignment of 
the kiln. 
The displacement along Z-axis represents the amount of 
displacement of the two rollers along the kiln. It must be very 
small, and if the value of this component becomes greater than 
1 mm, it is too dangerous and safety operation must be done. 
On the other hand, the displacement along Z-axis shows a great 
trouble in the kiln and shell profile must be prepared. 
For realizing the results, it has been tried to represent the 
displacement values for the unknown points in figure 7. 
E Graph - Displacement Computed Between Two Epochs of Observation 
7 0008 {=e + [ : 
sie Hd § eres. i 
0.004 cem - aco. BS + 
589.2 0.04 4 : dX 
E } eet : 
H ups a NT —B— dY 
= :: 0.002 = : dz 
(2 Wa, 
©. 0001 ex 
0. See 
; HABE 19 20 21 
~e—dX| 0.0015203 | . 0.0017333 0,001582 0.00138 
oap dY 0.0033874 0.0040771 0.004541 0.0039733 
dz| 000001556 . |  0,0000191 0.0000213 0.00001861 
m .. Point Number 
Figure7. Displacement computed between two epochs of 

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