Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
(iMARG iNA V-ROH) from 30-180 seconds. These results have 
been obtained using the University of Calgary KINGSPADTM 
GPS/INS integration software (www.kingspad.com). Further 
improvements in position and azimuth accuracy can be 
achieved if an odometer is added for length control and a two- 
antenna GPS for azimuth control. An interesting example on the 
use of a road vehicle in an extreme situation, the urban canyon 
environment of central Tokyo is given in Scherzinger (2002). 
Although adequate GPS coverage was denied for about 50% of 
the time, a position accuracy of better than25 cm was 
maintained for about 90% of the survey. 
KF (m) Vehicle 
30 sec 0.08 Straight line 
60 sec | 0.09 Circle 
30 Sec 0.13 Curve 
60 Sec 0.06 Static 
120 Sec 0.12 Static 
180 Sec 0.3 Straight line 
Table 3: Accuracy of the IMAR® iNAV-RQH INS system in 
stand-alone mode. 
The third example given here is a backpack MMS developed at 
the University of Calgary. The backpack MMS competes in 
both accuracy and initial cost with current methods of GIS data 
collection, while offering increases in data collection efficiency 
and flexibility that only an MMS can provide. The backpack 
MMS uses a Leica Digital Magnetic Compass (DMC) for 
attitude determination, a single Kodak DC260, and a Novatel 
OEMA receiver. The system's operational steps are essentially 
the same as any MMS in the sense that the DMC and the GPS 
provides the direct georeferencing information for the cameras. 
The only difference is that because of the low accuracy of the 
DMC derived attitude, the system is augmented with a Bundle 
Adjustment software, see Ellum (2001). In this case, the direct 
georeferencing parameters are used as apriori information on 
the exterior orientation parameters. The absolute accuracies of 
the Backpack MMS in a variety of configurations are shown 
Table 4. From the tables, it can be seen that with as few as five 
image point measurements at a 20m camera-to-object distance 
it is possible to achieve accuracies that satisfy many mapping 
applications, for more details see ibid. 
The systems presented so far are working in post-mission mode 
of operation. In this mode of operation, the data is collected in 
the vehicle (van, airplane, or ship) and processed off-site in 
order to extract the information of interest. Due to the post- 
mission mode of operation, very high accuracy, in position (x 
0.1 m "RMSE") and attitude (= 0.02 degrees "RMSE") can be 
achieved. This is accomplished by using the precise GPS carrier 
phase in Differential mode (DGPS uses two GPS receivers; one 
in static mode over known control point and the second on the 
vehicle. By tightly coupling DGPS and INS data through 
Kalman filtering the above accuracies can be achieved. 
Number of Horizontal Vertical 
Ysmnana Daimt 
S. X S 
(m) (m) (m) 
3 Images 3 
5 Image Points | 0.13 | 0.10 | 0.10 | 0.06 
image 13 010012) 007 
| 6 Images | 
5 Image Points | 0.06 | 0.05 | 0.14 | 0.11 
10 Image 
Points 0.07.1 0.05.1:0.17 1. 0.14 
Table 4: Backpack MMS System Absolute Accuracy (20m 
camera-to-object distance) 
Although in most remote sensing applications, there is no need 
for real-time processing of the data, there are some emerging 
applications, specifically forest fire fighting; in which the 
requirement for real-time mapping is more important than the 
achievement of highest possible accuracy. One of the main 
problems in combating forest fires is monitoring the time 
history of the fire. Understanding the size, location, and speed 
of advance of the fire front is critical to the optimal allocation 
of fire-fighting resources and the maintenance of the fire crew 
safety. Investigations of major wild-land fire accidents 
involving loss of life, often indicate that the crews became 
imperiled because of insufficient or untimely information about 
the location and speed of the fire advance. 
The F? system, being developed at the U of C, integrates 
imaging sensors (Thermal InfraRed “TIR” Cameras) with real 
time navigation technologies (Wide Area Differential GPS 
“WADGPS” and low cost INS). The system is very useful in 
reporting the exact situation of fires, assisting the Forest Fire 
Information Systems (FFIS) in accurately assessing the fire and 
precisely directing water-bombers and fire-fighting crews. The 
use of infrared/thermal cameras, which sense the heat emitted in 
the form of infrared radiation, will enable early detection and 
location of forest fires in reduced visibility due to haze, smoke 
or darkness. Recent system testing over controlled fire pits of 
known coordinates indicates that the system’s real-time 
positional accuracy in identifying hotspots is about 6m RMS 
(Wright and El-Sheimy, 2003), when using single receiver 
Kinematic GPS controlled aerial photogrammetry and direct 
geo-referencing using DGPS/INS have become mature 
technologies in both the scientific and commercial mapping 
communities. Virtually all airborne mapping systems now 
integrate a GPS receiver and INS unit with their camera. 
Unfortunately, on the software side, the integration of GPS or 
GPS/INS and photogrammetry is not as close. Typically, the 
GPS data is included in the photogrammetric bundle adjustment 
as processed positions only (Schmitz et al, 2001; Mikhail et al., 
2001) and similarly the GPS/INS data are used for direct 
georeferencing. In effect, the processing engines of GPS (or 
GPS/INS) and photogrammetry operate largely in isolation. 
This implementation has obvious benefits in terms of 
simplicity. However, a more fundamental fusion of the GPS and 

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