Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
arrays, this results in smaller 9 values and less accurate object 
point accuracy. Additionally, if digital sensors with non- 
quadratic arrays are used for airborne imaging the orientation of 
the sensor relative to the aircrafts flight direction influences the 
base-to-height ratio. Since the base-to-height ratio is given by 
HRS A008 
where s' depicts the sensors extension in flight direction and 
p is the forward overlap in percent, the linear dependency of 
J and the sensors size is obvious. For example, if the 
dimension ratio of the sensor is 4:3 (i.e. 5400 x 4100 pix) the 
base-to-height values differ between 2596 dependent on the 
sensor orientation. In order to obtain larger swath width quite 
often the larger sensor side is oriented perpendicular to flight 
direction which again influences the quality of photogrammetric 
point reconstruction. This is even valid for the large format 
digital sensors (UltracamD, DMC). The DIMAC system 
(DIMAC 2004) is differen: Due to the modular design the 
orientation of individual cameras heads relative to aircraft flight 
direction can be chosen application dependent. If the image data 
are mainly used for orthoimage generation based on given DTM 
the influence of base-to-height ratio on geometric accuracy is 
not as relevant. 
3.2 Influence of image motion 
Since airborne images are recorded from moving platforms like 
aircrafts or helicopters the movement of the sensors during 
exposure is of certain influence of the quality/sharpness of the 
acquired imagery. This so-called image motion which results in 
certain image blur is well known from the classical airborne 
cameras. In order to fully exploit the theoretical resolution 
power of photogrammetric high performance films forward 
motion compensation is realized by physically moving the 
photo film during the image exposure. This movement is 
synchronized with the mean forward velocity of the aircraft. 
Additional rotational movements are compensated from the 
stabilized mount which is typically activated during data 
recording. Such full motion compensation (translation plus 
rotation component) not only allows for a significant Jump in 
image quality but also in an extension of maximum exposure 
times which results in use of higher resolution films even under 
non optimal flight conditions. This increases the number of 
potential flight days. Although a full motion compensation is 
applied, not all sources of image movements are compensated: 
Reasons for remaining image blur are due to deviations from the 
assumed mean flight velocity, variation of terrain heights 
resulting in a non constant velocity-height ratio and remaining 
rotational influences due to the latency of the closed loop 
control of the active stabilized mount. 
Generally this initial situation is also valid for digital airborne 
frame sensors. Two main differences have to be taken into 
account: At least for the small to medium format sensors an 
active mount is typically not available - this situation might be 
different if the cameras are used as sub-system in combination 
with laser scanners mounted on a common platform which is 
stabilized then. Hence the rotational components of image 
motion could not be compensated. The translation effect of 
forward motion compensation has to be solved digitally by 
moving the charges on the matrix area itself (so-called time 
delayed integration TDI), which is typically not available for the 
small to medium format digital sensors. In contrary to analogue 
film, where the film role is moved in the focal plane of the 
camera the digital matrix array is typically fixed in the camera 
For reasons of completeness one specific realization of forward 
motion compensation should be mentioned finally: Within the 
DIMAC sensor systems, consisting of up to four individual 
4080 x 5440 medium format matrix arrays, each array in the 
individual camera heads is truly physically shifted during image 
recording based on a piezo controlled technique. This approach 
is identical to the film based solution. Since there are no 
fiducial marks in the digital camera available the movement of 
the matrix array has to be known very exactly otherwise the 
relation between pixel and image coordinates is not established. 
As described above, the medium format digital sensors typically 
suffer from influences of non compensated image motion 
effects. This gives certain limitations on the realizable image 
scales and therefore restrictions on the application fields. The 
influence of image motion follows the given equation below: 
With the aircraft velocity v, the exposure time / , focal length 
c and flying height above ground h, the image motion u is 
obtained from well-known formula 
E Gd vj 
—*y- f . = . 
2 h 2 m 
where only 50% of the theoretically image motion u, is valid in 
the images (Kraus, 1990). For analogue imagery the reciprocal 
of 1.5 times of the film resolving power is tolerable for image 
motion. For digital imagery the influence of motion blur should 
be well below one pixel. Since aircraft velocity and image scale 
are typically given by default for a certain project, exposure 
time is the only variable to minimize effects of image motion. 
Exposure time on the other hand is coupled with lens aperture 
and film sensitivity given by the ISO value. In digital cameras, 
this ISO number is variable over a certain interval which allows 
for a larger variation of exposure times, although higher ISO 
numbers quite often are associated with higher image noise. 
4.1 Applanix/Emerge DSS 
The Applanix/Emerge DSS is one representative of digital 
medium format sensor systems. The optical part is based on a 
MegaVision 4092 x 4077 pix CCD array digital back mounted 
at a Contax 645 medium format film camera housing (Figure 3). 
This housing is stabilized using an proprietary exoskeleton in 
order to maintain a more or less fixed interior camera geometry. 
The camera body itself is rigidly integrated with an Applanix 
POS/AV 410 GPS/inertial system providing full high 
performance exterior orientation elements for direct 
georeferencing. This gives the possibility for fast turn-around 
orthoimage generation. In order to obtain regular block 
structures (which simplifies the processing significantly) and 
active azimuth mount control is realized for the automatic 
removal of the aircraft crab angles based on real-time POS/AV 
navigation data. The drift correction accuracy is « 0.5deg 

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