Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

Istanbul 2004 
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the DSS, in 
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Mohamed M.R. Mostafa 
Applanix Corporation, 85 Leek Cr., Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4B 3B3 — mmostafa@applanix.com 
KEY WORDS: Airborne Mapping, Aerial Triangulation, Direct Georeferencing, GPS/INS, Digital, Camera, Calibration 
In this paper, the Digital Sensor System (DSS) test results and analysis are presented. The DSS is a fully integrated fully digital 
ruggedized system for airborne image acquisition, georeferencing, and map production. The DSS consists of a 4K x 4K digital 
camera, a GPS-aided INS direct georeferencing system, and a flight management system. The DSS software suite interfaces 
seamlessly with commercial off-the-shelf photogrammetric software to allow for fast topographic and ortho map production. The 
DSS currently uses a CCD chip with a 9 um pixel size which allows digital image acquisition with a Ground Sample Distance that 
ranges from 0.05 m to 1.0 m using its 35 mm and 55 mm lenses. The embedded POS AV direct georeferencing system provides the 
exterior orientation parameters in both real-time and post-mission modes. The DSS is used primarily to generate high-resolution 
color and color infrared digital orthophotos, orthomosaics, and topographic maps, which can be used for many different mapping, 
GIS and remote sensing applications. 
In the mid 1990s, digital camera technology started to attract 
several Photogrammetrists. Several efforts have been exerted to 
deploy the CCD-based digital camera technology into the 
airborne mapping environment. Some of these efforts focused 
on using a digital camera in a stand-alone mode (c.f., King et al, 
1994; Mills et al, 1996). More efforts focused on using digital 
cameras as a component of an integrated system (c.f., Mostafa 
et al, 1997; Toth and Grejner-Brzezinska, 1998) where the 
System integration concept was initially proposed by Schwarz 
et al (1993) and Schwarz, 1995. 
In this paper, The Digital Sensor System (DSS) is introduced as 
a dedicated product that is designed for the airborne mapping 
industry based on the aforementioned scientific research and 
several years of experience of using such systems. The 
performance of the DSS in s number of mapping projects is 
introduced in some details 
Figure 1: The DSS 
The DSS, shown. in Figure 1, is a fully digital integrated 
ruggedized system for airborne image acquisition, 
georeferencing, and map production. The DSS hardware 
consists of a 4K x 4K digital camera, a GPS-aided INS direct 
georeferencing system, and a flight management system. The 
DSS comes with a suite of data processing software package for 
GPS-aided inertial data processing and analysis, data calibration 
and quality control, and mission planning, calibration and 
quality control. The DSS software suite interfaces seamlessly 
with commercial off-the-shelf photogrammetric software to 
allow for fast topographic and ortho map production. The DSS 
currently uses a CCD chip with a 9 um pixel size which allows 
digital image acquisition with a Ground Sample Distance that 
ranges from 0.05 m to 1.0 m (platform dependent) using its 35 
mm and 55 mm lenses. The embedded POS AV direct 
georeferencing system provides the exterior orientation 
parameters in both real-time and post-mission modes. The DSS 
is used primarily to generate high-resolution color and color 
infrared digital orthophotos, orthomosaics, and topographic 
maps, which can be used for many different mapping, GIS and 
remote sensing applications. For details, see Mostafa, 2003. 
Data Acquisition Post Processing 
| Digital Images || Image Radiometric Calibration & Quality Control 
| Tiepoint 
"| Inertial/GPS 
Basestation, CORS H-* Post Processing 
Let] NavCom, or Boresight, 
OmniStar data datum, and/or 
x Camera 
| GCP/Checkpoints Calib i ion & 
Let Terrestrial " | 
Calibration Report 
Rapid Response 
Real-time Data 
Figure 2: The DSS Data Flow 
The DSS collects digital images and navigation data. The 
navigation (GPS/inertial) data is processed in real time based on 
either the GPS C/A code GPS data, or Satellite RTK data such 
as Navcom or OmniStar as data shown in Figure 2. In this case, 
the real-time navigation data together with the digital images 
are processed once the aeroplane is landed in a matter of a few 
hours for rapid response applications. 

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