Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
E 40 T 
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'e 04 1 
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x ........ .. GSD 
S 0.2 .. se 
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5 0.0 ; E = 
[2] Japan Lakeland NASA Lakeland Ajax 03 
= Feb03 Dec02 Stennis Mar04 
Figure 8: Statistics of Checkpoint Residuals for Different 
DSS Test Flights — 55 mm Lens 
Each of the test flight data sets discussed here is processed 
similarly by following the data flow represented in Figure 2, 
where the DSS image data is radiometrically balanced while the 
POS AV GPS-aided inertial data is processed. Then the image 
data, the exterior orientation. parameters, and the system 
calibration parameters are run through an airborne calibration 
and quality control procedure. Then the data is used to produce 
ground coordinates of the available checkpoints. 
The resulting coordinates are then compared to those computed 
independently using land surveying techniques. The resulting 
checkpoint residuals are listed in Table 2, while the RMS 
values are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9. 
Flight Statistic parallax ih av az 
(um) (m) (m) (m) 
Min 0.2 0.76 051 489 
Lakeland Max 13.1 0.53 1.14 1.68 
Dec02 Mean 3.1 -0.08 -0.06  -0.09 
RMS 4.9 0.29 029 077 
Min 1.7 20:397 57204915147 
NASA Max 12.3 0.71 0.39 1.15 
Stennis Mean 49 0.02 0.00 -0.13 
RMS 5.2 0.19 017 0.44 
Min 0.0 0533.5 0,33: 20 29 
Japan Max 7.8 0.04 0.23 0.77 
Feb03 Mean 2.8 -0.09 -0.08 :0714 
RMS 3.7 0.14 0.21 0.56 
Min 0.0 3900.98. 27082 
Ajax03 Max 22.7 0.56 044 0.67 
0.2m GSD Mean 4.6 004 -0.01 012 
RMS 5.7 0.22 024 0.31 
Lakeland Min 3.0 -0.36 -0.24 -0.58 
Mar04 Max 11.9 0.16 028. 071 
0.3 m Mean 5.5 -0.13 20.05 0.09 
GSD RMS 6.0 0.21 0.17: 033 
Lakeland Min 3.0 -0.29 -0.14 -0.34 
Mar04 Max 9.0 -0.04 0.42 0.21 
0.2 m Mean 5.0 -0.14 0.05  -0.10 
GSD RMS 5.1 0.17 022 0.22 
Table 2: Statistics of Checkpoint Residuals for Different DSS 
Test Flights - 55 mm lens 
RMS of Checkpoint Residuals (m) 
e e 
eo > 
1800 m AGL 
1200 m AGL 
Figure 9: Statistics of Checkpoint Residuals for Lakeland Jan04 
Test Flight - 35 mm Lens - Two Flight Altitudes 
Note that in Table 2, the first three flights have a common GSD 
of 0.3 m, while the Ajax 03 flight and the Lakeland Mar04 
flights have a 0.2 m GSD which explains the rather higher 
accuracy, especially in the elevation. The first column in the 
statistics in Table 2 shows the remaining y-parallax, which is 
well within one pixel, which indicates the great capability of the 
DSS data for stereo mapping. Figure 8 shows the RMS of 
checkpoint residuals for the test flights flown with a 55 mm 
lens. Note the different GSD imposed on the Ajax03 flight in 
Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the RMS of checkpoint residuals for 
the Lakeland Jan04 flight flown using a 35 mm lens for the two 
different flight altitudes. It is clear from Figure 8 and Figure 9 
that the accuracy of the checkpoints is within '^ to % of the 
GSD in the horizontal components and around 1 to 2 times of 
the GSD in the elevation. 
To evaluate the performance of the DSS for large scale 
mapping applications, the DSS has been flown by PASCO 
Corporation over Tovonaka city in Japan in February, 2003. For 
details, see Tachibana et al (2004). The DSS was mounted 
onboard an AS350B helicopter shown in Figure 10 which was 
flown at about 300 m flight altitude, resulting in 0.05 m GSD. 
At this rather large scale, the GPS data would be the dominant 
source of error as far as the geometric accuracy is concerned. 
Therefore, the DSS data has been processed using the 
Integrated Sensor Orientation method (ISO) where an 
aerotriangulation scheme is used to process all the data to come 
up with the best fit. For details, see Heipke et al (2001). The 
results of the test flight are described in some detail in 
Tachibana et al (2004). 
Figure 10: AS350B Helicopter Used for PASCO Toyonaka 
0.05m GSD Test Flight in Japan 

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