Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
the image using wavelet transform technique. It allows a higher 
lossy compression rate compared to other compression 
algorithms while preserving image quality (Santa-Cruz, 2000). 
[Implementation of JPEG2000 compression on the hand-held 
device requires sufficient CPU because intensive computation is 
3.4 Processing Center 
The PC comprises of three units used in a client-server 
organisation. One is devoted to interact with the MGI or the OC 
and is call the front-end server (FES). The second one, the 
processing server (ProcS), will perform high intensive processing 
tasks of image processing and is built on powerful hardware 
components. The third one, the production server (ProdS), will 
perform production tasks in order to make available the results to 
the Internet community. All of the units are linked to a single 
database DBrep containing acquired images and corresponding 
processing parameters. Communication between the stations is 
based on common web service protocols using SOAP messages. 
3.5 Human-machine interaction 
One of the key point of the system is the semi-automation of the 
functions as, in the field of photogrammetry, it is still uncertain 
to automate all the processes. So an efficient human-machine 
interaction should be realized for the visualisation of either 2D or 
3D information through Internet. 
Nowadays two multi-platform technologies supporting 2D data 
are identified: Java and PHP. Both allow to build dynamic user 
interfaces linked with image server. The following two 
implementations exist but still require assessment and 
1) Timemap: http://www.timemap.net 
2) Mapserver: http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu 
Concerning the visualisation of 3D data, more intensive 
processing will be required on client side. So it is not likely that 
this will be available on the MI. Only OC will efficiently be used 
to manipulate 3D data. However 3D visualisation on PDA is 
possible using VRML tool (see Cortona: 
www.parallelgraphics.com) but, due to the reduce size of the 
screen and the low CPU performance, this is not fully efficient 
for complex textured model. 
3.6 Quality requirements 
Quality requirement of the telephotogrammetry system is 
adjustable and will depend on the device preparation by the user. 
Quality is improved by performing the optional tasks described 
in Table 3. 
Lens calibration 
Colour calibration 
Band alignment 
| Resampling enhancement 
_Positional precision | GPS measurement post-processing 
Table 3: Tasks to improve system quality 
| Image quality 
In this chapter, the reader will find a description of various use 
cases of telephotogrammetry. 
4.1 Image mosaicking 
One of the basic processing levels is the mosaicking of sequence 
of images. It aims to combine images in order to obtain a 
uniform view of the scene. Such a process alters the geometry 
and the radiometry of the images. 
An alternate goal is to improve the resolution by incorporating a 
number of overlapping images of the same scene, a process often 
called “super-resolution” in the literature. During the resampling 
process, it results in a finer grid size. 
4.2 Remote measurement 
Once orientation of a sequence of images is performed, the 
metric of the scene may be reconstructed, thus enabling direct 
distance measurement on images. Relative or absolute distances 
may be obtained according to the use or not of GPS data. 
4.3 Rapid scene mapping 
Simultaneous collection of images and positioning coordinates 
opens wide applications for the purpose of rapid scene mapping 
in case of crime, accident or even disaster (Gibson, 2000). It 
seems important to quickly collect georeferenced terrestrial 
image as a reference and as a basis for further 3D modelling. 
Reference image may be distributed to different entities in order 
to document real circumstances. 3d model may help understand 
the causes for the event to occur. 
4.4 3d modelling 
3D modelling of real object may be done based on a sequence of 
oriented images. This task is quickly implemented because of the 
availability georeferenced terrestrial images. Modelling is 
commonly done manually by visual interpretation. This provides 
large perspective in the field of architecture. 
4.5 Build image database 
Taking advantage of simultaneous acquisition of image and 
coordinates enables to build image database and subsequently 
allows to query images from de database. This is especially an 
application field for non-specialized end users. 
4.6 City model building 
Simplified acquisition of 3D model in mass using 
telephotogrammetry system might lead to the possibility to 
generate city models at a lower cost and shorter time. 
4.7 Landscape assessment 
Another field of application is the assessment of landscape. We 
consider here either urban or natural landscape, and its change 
through different time-scales: monthly, seasonal and finally 
yearly. This is a further enhancement of 3D city model, in which 
we include not only the natural environment but also its dynamic 
through time. 
The general framework for telephotogrammetry as described here 
opens wide perspectives as to the exploitation of geo referenced 
terrestrial images. It is expected that such a tool will promote the 
use and exchange of 3D information and further stimulate the 
development of location based services and other applications 
like navigation based on three-dimensional city models or mobile 
augmented reality. 

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