Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
orientation between them (Figure 2). Moreover, the system 
remains modular and, depending on the needs, units can be easily 
removed. Following are the main three operational modes: 
1. Camera * GPS: 4.5 kg 
2. Camera + GPS/IMU: 6kg 
3. Camera + GPS/IMU + Lidar: 12 kg 
2.1 Imagery 
The digital camera is composed of the Hasselblad Biogon SWCE 
903 camera with a focal length of 38mm that is attached to a 
digital back (Kodak ProBack Plus). The size of the CCD chip is 
4072x4072 pixels with 9um pixel size. A home made electronic 
device controls the synchronization of the CCD with the shutter 
aperture by generating a pulse that is time-registered in the GPS 
receiver. The choice of the lens was based on its low distortion, a 
comparison of MTF curves and field tests. Images are stored on 
two internal 4GB Flashcards that allow taking up to 800 shots. 
2.2 Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) 
The Lidar scanner unit is either the LMS-Q140i-60 or the newer 
model LMS-Q240-60. Both models are manufactured by Riegl 
and differ mainly in the maximum measurement range and 
interfaces. The laser wavelength of 900um fits well measurements 
of natural targets and above all the snow covered surfaces. The 
maximum range is around 500m and the range resolution is 
25mm. The scanner performs up to 80 scan lines per second at 10 
kHz data rate. The rotating mirror induces a swath of 60° that 
corresponds well to the field of view of the digital camera that is 
55°. Data are synchronized thanks to PPS pulse of the GPS 
receiver and a standard PC governs their storage through Ethernet 
or ECP ports. 
LN-200 IMU 
Data Interface/ Logger 
INS LN-200 
— M «— cJ 
NME/ZDA output 
N 7 
| Ethemet 
GPS RECEIVER | connexion 
e.g. JAVAD 
LEGACY GD PC Portable 
\ / 
Figure 3: Data flow and synchronization for the IMU/GPS units. 
2.3 Navigation devices for sensor’s georeferencing 
As with the use of sensors, the system remains modular in 
accommodation of navigation devices, namely the GPS receivers 
and the IMU. The system currently employs a Javad Legacy GD 
GPS receiver on board of the helicopter and additional GPS 
receivers on the ground. Positive experience has also been made 
with the Leica’s SR530 receivers. In its most basic setup (CCD + 
GPS) the GPS data collection rate is set to 5 Hz, which is 
sufficient sampling rate for the dynamic of a helicopter. This rate 
Is reduced to 1 Hz or less when IMU is employed. 
The IMU is tactical-grade strapdown inertial system (LN-200 Al) 
with 400Hz measurement rate. The IMU data are synchronized 
through small custom interface (Viret, 2003) and sent via Ethernet 
link to a standard portable PC as schematically depicted in Figure 
2. Again, modularity was in the design priorities here, and thus 
the GPS receivers as well as the PC are easily interchangeable in 
case of hardware failure. The recorded IMU data are used in a 
post-mission integration with the differential carrier phase GPS 
data via a Kalman Filter employing 25 to 30 states. 
Figure 4: The system in action with Alouette III helicopter. The 
holder for supporting the system weight during transition flights is 
located under operator's right leg. 
2.4 Helicopter mount 
The helicopter mount (Figure 4) is independent from its carrier, 
which has several advantages. First, the installation time is as 
short as a few minutes. Second, changing carriers does not require 
re-calibration of the sensors. Third, its flexible handling allows 
maintaining optimal geometry of the sensors in steep and flat 
terrains for the benefit of higher mapping accuracy. Finally, most 
of the rotor-induced vibrations are dampened when the operator 
holds the system and activates the imaging sensors (Skaloud and 
Vallet, 2001). An additional simple holder can be added to the 
exterior of the helicopter to support the system during approach 
2.5 Flight management 
The system is designed to map smaller areas at large-scale, which 
permits a simple but efficient flight management concept. The 
system operator conducts photograph overlap and shots timing 
whereas the navigator/pilot steers along the flight line. The flight- 
line navigation uses the display of a rugged PC running 
PenMap™ software accepting the NMEA/GGA message sent by 
the GPS receiver. Receivers like Javad GD benefit of 
WAAS/EGNOS capability, which guarantees sufficient 
navigation accuracy in speed and position for manual aiming of 
the camera and laser sensors. 

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