Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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A small numerical comparison of three approaches is given 
bellow. The test zone consisted of approximately 3x7 image block 
and 24 check-points (03cm). The tie points were measured 
manually and the AT-GPS aided solution was used as an input to 
the ‘2-step’ procedure (with and without time correlation). In 
parallel *1-step' boresight determination was calculated. As can 
be seen from Table 3, the l-step (1.) and 2-step (II.) estimates 
have similar mean values when no temporal correlations are 
considered. Both approaches are also too confident in the resulting 
accuracy. On the other hand, considering the temporal correlation 
in IMU rises the estimate uncertainty that becomes more realistic 
for the given type of IMU. However, at the same time, the mean is 
closer to the correct value, which in turn increases the mapping 
accuracy as shown in the next section and in Table 5. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
Calibration Flight 1:10000 
Boresight Estimation 
The higher image quality of a digital camera allows reducing the 
scale two times with respect to analogue camera without losing 
the details. This fact partially compensates for the smaller format 
of the CCD sensor, which requires taking significantly more 
photos to cover the same area. 
4.2 Mapping Accuracy 
The following evaluation will focus on the system absolute 
accuracy at discrete points. A test field divided in two areas of 
about 25 and 12 GCPs, respectively, will serve the purpose. The 
scale of the images that were taken over this test field varies from 
1:9000 to 1:11000 and the accuracy of ground control points is at 
2cm level. As some GCPs are not specially signalized, the 
measurement of their image coordinates may introduce additional 
error from 4m to 8um (i.e. 3-8cm in the object space). 
T Estimated : ; RMS at GCPs [cm] 
Method Estimated MEAN ; 
S iol ACCURACY Method Com ams application field 
[deg107] GCP Block | oll XY HZ 
roll Pitch yaw r D y AT e e 2 4 4 
Ei 0.003 1.0311 02421 34313 AT-GPS . 2 2 Ig 
I: 1 step 10 12 15 
=. i . DQ ^ 
qose who odas oie sao] s Ap GPS | I: 2step no 9 is 17 
time correlation / COIT. ; 
«9. : - 
UT aep Usine -0.004 | -0.309 | 0235 | 6 | 3| 10 INS | I2 step * 7 i 14 
correct correlation time corr. 
Table 3: Boresight results according to the employed method 
As for the Lidar's boresight, the final procedure has yet not been 
finalized but main steps can be briefly outlined: 
®  Stereoplotting of breaklines on the building roof tops 
* Extracting the corresponding lines from the laser points 
e Adjusting the plotted and laser-detected lines in each 
direction of flight yields the sought boresight angles. 
The HELIMAP system has undergone several years of experience 
in the first two modes of operation (Section 2). Its quality is 
appreciated in frequent flying missions related to natural hazards 
applications. The functionality and merits of adding ALS became 
apparent during a feasibility test that was realized in February 
2004. As the evaluation of this data set has yet not been 
completed, we turn our focus to CCD based sensor. 
4.1 Imagery 
The change from analogue to digital camera (Vallet, 2002) was 
supported by field and laboratory experiments. Comparisons 
between the digital images and the digitized photos revealed that 
digital sensors provide sharper and less noisy images than a film- 
based imagery as shown in Table 4. 
Digital Digitized Film 
Transition D ; 
B/W A pixel 3-4 pixels 
Noise (16) 
Table 4: Comparison of digital/analogue photos in terms of 
sharpness and noise (gsv grey scale value). 
Table 5: Comparison of mapping accuracy between different 
approaches to EO determination with an indication of operational 
The indirect (AT, AT/GPS) and direct (GPS/INS) approaches to 
photogrammetric mapping are compared in Table 5 in terms of 
empirically estimated accuracy. The direct georeferencing by 
GPS/INS is further evaluated with respect to the different methods 
of boresight estimation as presented in the previous section. It is 
apparent that accounting for temporal correlation in IMU data 
during boresight estimate (Table 3) reduces image residuals and 
improves accuracy of object coordinates. Although the RMS 
values for the direct method are slightly higher than those for the 
indirect approach, the demand for providing 20cm-level mapping 
accuracy or better is fulfilled. The benefits of direct 
georeferencing are, however, numerous, as it avoids many 
difficulties that arise when performing automated AT in 
mountainous terrain. Adopting this method also considerably 
increases the operational flexibility needed in natural disaster 
mapping. The AT-GPS approach remains an interesting option for 
areas where GCP's are difficult to implement, but the relief and 
texture allows successful automation of tie point measurements 
procedure. Obviously, the merits of using ALS for fully automated 
DTM generation are apparent, but the method is still under 
4.3 Cost considerations 
The cost of the mapping system is an important and sometimes a 
decisive factor for its adoption. Apart from counting the value of 
hardware (Table 6), the cost evaluation should also consider the 
amount of work related to each mode of system operations (Table 
7). As can be seen from Table 7, the image orientation and DTM 
generation can rarely be automated in ‘non-standard’ scenarios 
involving steep terrain. As these tasks are time consuming, their 
liberation by Lidar well justifies the supplementary hardware cost 
of USD 35K. The total equipment costs amount to approximately 
USD 100'000. This is almost an order of magnitude lower than

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