Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

Shunyi Zheng" , Zonggian Zhan“, Zuxun Zhang” 
* School of Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University, 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, China 
syzheng@263.net  zzq09@?263.net zxzhang@supresoft.com.cn 
KEY WORDS: 3D Reconstruction, Relative Orientation, Consecutive Model Connection, Image matching, Texture mapping 
This paper proposes a flexible and automatic technique of 3D modeling from images captured by a handheld camera. The camera used 
here is a metric digital camera. This method is well suited for use without specialized knowledge of 3D geometry or computer vision. 
The technique only requires the camera to take photos around the object to be measured. The camera can be freely moved. But, the 
distance of neighboring image station should not be too far. Then the taken photos are processed and the procedure consists of relative 
orientation and connection of consecutive photos and a rigid bundle adjustment, followed by a robust image matching technique and 
TIN generation and texture mapping. At this time 3D model is produced. Several sets of real data have been used to test the proposed 
technique, and very good results have been obtained. Compared with classical techniques which use some special equipment or have 
some special requirement, the proposed technique is easy to use and flexible, even can be automatic. It advances 3D computer vision 
one step from laboratory environments to real world use. 
Obtaining three dimensional (3D) models of scenes from 
images has been a long lasting research topic in 
photogrammetry and computer vision. Many applications exist 
which require these models. In traditionally robotics and 
inspection applications accuracy was often the main concern. 
Nowadays however more and more interest comes from the 
multimedia and computer graphics communities. The evolution 
of computers is such that today even personal computers can 
display complex 3D models. Many computer games are located 
in large 3D worlds. The use of 3D models and environments on 
the Internet is becoming common practice. This evolution is 
however slowed down due to the difficulties of generating such 
3D models. Although it is easy to generate simple 3D models, 
complex scenes are requiring a lot of effort. For existing objects 
or scenes, the effort required to recreate realistic 3D models is 
often prohibitive and the results are often disappointing. 
A growing demand exists for systems which can visualize 
existing objects or scenes. In this case the requirements are very 
different from the requirements encountered in previous 
applications. Most important is the visual quality of the 3D 
models. In addition, there is an important demand for easy 
acquisition procedures. 
As described above, 3D reconstruction has been a long lasting 
research topic and its wide application attracted research interest 
of many researchers and scholars. And many different methods 
have been developed and used in reconstruction of ancient 
buildings, preservation of historical relics, medicine 
reconstruction, industry measurement, human face 
reconstruction, etc. All these technologies have their own 
advantages, but requirement of expensive hardware or special 
environment and control field and profound knowledge of 
photogrammety and complex operation process limit their wide 
use. For example, Fabio acquired human body image sequences 
for reconstruction by using camera and special control field; F. 
Paul Siebert reconstruct human body and human face by using 
single baseline stereo and obtained good results, but his method 
should confine to special shooting environment; Nicola 
obtained high-accuracy human face model by using special 
control field; Yongjun Zhang and Ulas Yilmaz measured 
machine parts and reconstruct common objects’ face using 
rotatory platform and made good results; Carlo carried out 
experiments on the surface reconstruction of building using 
expensive laser scanning device and obtained accurate point 
cloud, but lacks of texture information and other information. 
There are many other experiments like these, in some of which 
good results have been made, but simplification, automation 
and being practical are still urgent problems which need to solve 
before wide application. 
In this paper we present a new 3D technology in which a robust 
image matching method has been used. Our goal is to 
automatically reconstruct 3D model of object with image 
sequence taken by hand-held camera. In this process, only 
image acquisition process is done by people and all other 
process is executed by computer automatically until 3D model 
is produced. The technology applies to surface reconstruction of 
many objects, no matter large or small, outdoor or indoor. It is 
simple, fast and automatic. Its detail process is described in 
following sections. 
2.1 Image acquisition 
The first step of this 3D reconstruction process is image 
acquisition. There is no special demand when taking photos and 
you can do it as you do when you want to get a scene picture. 
But in order to reduce the difficulty of automatic image 
matching, the distance between neighbouring image station, that 
is the baseline, should not be too long. If the baseline is short, 
the image data amount will be large, but this is not a serious 
problem because post-processing is done by computers. As 
shown in Fig. 1, in the measurement process of a coal pile, 83 
photos were taken and the distance between neighbouring 
image station was only about 1-2 meters. 
2.2 Calculating of parameters of photos 
In this paper, our goal is to visualize existing objects or scenes, 
not to measure its actual size. So we only need to retrieve 
objects’ shape which has same shape but possible not same size 
as origin object. Therefore, no any control point is needed and a 
free network model has been use. In addition, a metric camera is 
used in 
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