Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
of the coal pile is about 20 meters and the height is about 4 
meters, and the shape is very irregular, so we took 83 photos 
which just form a circle. All photos are taken by hand-held 
camera and then input into computer and processed by our 
software and 3D results are produced as shown in Fig. 3. Except 
taking photos, all other processes are automatically executed by 
computer. Results show reliability and robustness of our image 
matching algorithm and convenience and efficiency and 
automation level of our 3D reconstruction algorithm. 
Fig. 3 Images and 3D Models of Reconstruction 
This paper proposed a new image matching method which uses 
short baseline to maintain reliability of matching and uses multi 
images to maintain intersection accuracy. Based this matching 
technique, a 3D reconstruction system has been developed 
which has characteristics of being easy using, fast and automatic 
and can be widely used in 3D reconstruction of objects. Here a 
metric camera is used. When using ordinary camera, camera 
calibration process is essential or self-calibration algorithms 
should be integrated into current calculation process. All these 
arc our major research subjects. 
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