Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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The keywords in all the above statements and International 
Agreements are : 
1. Recording of a vast amount of 4-Dimensional multi- 
source, multi-format and multi-content information, in 
proper levels of accuracy and detail. 
2. Inventory by the use of photogrammetric and GIS- 
solutions in 3D and, as far as available, down dating with 
historical images. 
3. Management of the 4D information in a secure and 
rational way, also available for sharing and distribution 
to other users. 
4. "Visualization and Presentation of the information in a 
user-friendly way, so that different kinds of users can 
actually retrieve the data and acquire useful information, 
using Internet and Visualization Techniques 
5. Appropriate use and tuning of the up-to-date Information 
Technology, when aiming at the above tasks. 
In this frame, Photogrammetry and Vision techniques are called 
upon to offer its services in a variety of levels and in all 
possible combinations of scientific procedures, quality 
requirements, use of final products, time restrictions and budget 
limitations. The interested reader can refer to general references 
like (Slama, 1980, Ogleby and Rivett, 1985, Karara, 1989, 
Atkinson, 1996) and visit [URL4], [URLS] for updates on 
current research activities and applications. 
On the technical side, these imposed a myriad of interesting 
technical questions seeking answers. I will not further 
elaborated on that since we all have the opportunity to enjoy a 
lot of them during this Congress. 
Architectural and Archaeological applications of 
Photogrammetry and Vision techniques can be classified in 
many ways and according to different parameters. One way to 
classify the applications in a comprehensive and rather 
"productive" way is shown below (Fig. 6). 
On the semiotics level, these revealed some important aspects : 
" The strict scientific rationale gave its place to a mobility 
across different disciplines, very similar to what Steger 
(Stengers, 1997) called “guerilla epistemology”, and I 
quote: “The problem of the contemporary sciences is not, 
for me, one of the scientific rationality but of a very 
particular form of mobilization: it is a matter of succeeding 
in aligning interests, in disciplining them without 
destroying them. The goal is not an army of soldiers all 
marching in step in the same direction; there has to be an 
initiative, a sense of opportunity that belongs rather to the 
Photogrammetry, for the first time, does not merely report 
on what can be seen. In other words, it produces reality 
itself. So it faces the challenges of intervention, 
generalization of reality, perception, and aesthetics. 
For long, time was separated from space. Although the 3" 
dimension is still very important, the 4" dimension is 
increasingly valued. 
At a time when high-quality photogrammetric products are 
much needed, Do-it-yourself Photogrammetry is on the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
By Purpose 
and settlements 
Visualization Virtual Museums 
of monuments 
of monuments 
Studies of artifacts 
Special Studies 
Studies of citv centers 
Architectural analysis 
Conservation and restoration 
Archaeological Do 
2D vector 
Plans/Sections : $ 
2D texture maps 
3D vector 
reconstructions x 
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By Product 
Stereo / Multi- ES 
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Technical rh el ioe 
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Documentation, § 
Archiving E 
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By E 
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Figure 6: Classification of applications 
On the managerial level, new work habits, new research 
opportunities, even new forms of institutions force 
Photogrammetry to offer its services in many gears and under 
different angles of view. Worth mentioning are the following : 
"  Post-industrial re-allocation of the capital resources 
require that accountability prevails and justification of the 
costs are always required. Many times costs should be 
highly suppressed due to limited budgets. 
” The massive use of technology has occurred not because it 
is desirable end by itself, but because it is connected to 
more generic business aspects. Many tools, now in use in 
Photogrammetry, have been designed and brought 
eventually to our discipline. 
* Innovative research is increasingly coming from non- 
governmental institutes and non-academic laboratories. 
® In Europe and North America (at least for the 2/3 of the 
population) the work time is reducing and people tend to 
spend much of their free time in cultural activitics. So a 
new market is emerging and Photogrammetry can claim its 
* Small enterprises on a knowledge-intensive basis with 
suppressed capital and operational costs are appearing as 
an answer to the market-pull. 
® Terms like Standardization, Quality assurance and 
Intellectual property rights are entering our Agenda. 

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