Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 2. Vibration gyro 
2.2 Inertial photogrammetric camera 
The experiment device equipped with the inertial 
device in the camera is defined in this study as an 
inertial photogrammetric camera. The inertial 
photogrammetric camera made for this study is 
shown in Figure 5. The camera used is a digital 
camera with 2.11 million pixels. The gyro and the 
accelerometer which are installed at right angles to 
each other are equipped with the camera. As a 
result, the three dimension position and the 
inclination of the camera when taking a picture are 
Figure 5. Inertial photogrammetric camera 
2.3 Composition of experimental device 
The photograph device made for this study is shown 
in Figure 6. Final inertia photogrammetric 
camera system with the aim in this study is the 
handy type equipment. However, since it is in the 
Figure 3. Fiber optical gyro 
Figure 4. Accelerometer 
middle point of present development, the inertial 
sensor and digital camera are mounted on the 
tripod, and the tripod is put on the four-wheeled 
cart.Figure6 shows the inertial photogrammetric 
camera device. In addition, the following were 
also mounted on the cart Personal computer for 
data collection and personal computer for the 
image datum collection and electric power source 
equipment for the drive. In the experiment field, 
the tripod of the camera on the cart prevented the 
swinging of the camera, as it is lower, and the 
tripod of which it was tall had to be used, since 
the tree of which it is tall mainly exists. 
uA CS ET. 
Figure6. Four-wheeled cart type 

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