Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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J.O. Otepka ^', C.S. Fraser ^ 
“ Institute of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Technical University of Vienna, Gusshausstrasse 27-29/E122, 
1040 Vienna, Austria — jo@ipf.tuwien.ac.at 
^ Department of Geomatics, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia — c.fraser@unimelb.edu.au 
Commission V, WG V/1 
Keywords: Vision Metrology, Targets, Surface, Automation, Algorithms, Precision, Close Range Photogrammetry 
In digital close-range photogrammetry, commonly referred to as vision metrology, circular targets are often used for high precision 
applications. The most common target type used consists of retro-reflective material, which provides a high contrast image with flash 
photography. The measurement of image coordinates of signalised targets continues to be a factor limiting the achievable accuracy 
of high-precision vision metrology systems. Mathematical algorithms are used to determine the centres of imaged targets in 2D 
space. These 2D centroids are then used in a triangulation process to calculate the target position in 3D space. This computational 
process assumes that the targets represent perfect ‘points’ in space. However, in practice target-thickness and target-diameter can 
adversely effect this assumption, leading to the introduction of systematic errors and to incorrect calculation of 3D position. The 
paper presents the development of a target plane determination process, which will serve to automatically correct for these errors. 
This will also lead to high accuracies within the bundle adjustment via an improved mathematical model. 
Nowadays, vision metrology (VM) is regularly used in large- 
scale industrial manufacturing and precision engineering. The 
flexibility of the vision-based concept, combined with new 
developments such as high-resolution digital cameras and new 
computational models, has made digital close-range 
photogrammetry a highly-automated, high-precision three- 
dimensional (3D) coordinate measurement technology. 
VM strategies employ triangulation to determine 3D object 
point coordinates. To achieve accuracy to a few parts per 
million, special targets are used to mark points of interest. 
Various investigations have shown that circular targets deliver 
the most satisfying results regarding accuracy and automated 
centroid recognition and mensuration. For such targets, retro- 
reflective material is widely used because on-axis illumination 
of these targets returns many times more light than a normal 
textured surface. This results in high contrast images, which are 
a key requirement for high precision in digital close-range 
The perspective properties of circular targets are such that a 
circle viewed from directions other than normal to the target 
surface will appear as an ellipse or in general as a conic section, 
as indicated in Figure |. Parabolic and hyperbolic curves appear 
only if the circle touches or intersects the “vanishing plane” 
(the plane parallel to the image plane, which includes the 
projection centre). Because of the typically small size of targets 
employed and the limited field of view of the measuring 
devices, it is unlikely that these circular targets will appear as 
parabolic or hyperbolic curves. Therefore, only elliptical 
images are considered in the following. 
* Corresponding author 
image plane 
vanishing plane 
Figure 1. Perspective view of circle. 
VM systems use centroiding algorithms to compute the centres 
of each ellipse, these centroids becoming the actual 
observations for the triangulation process. However, it is well 
known that the centre of a circle does not project onto the 
centre of the ellipse, which thus introduces a systematic error in 
any triangulation process. There are two reasons why this error 
is universally ignored in today’s VM systems. First, the effect is 
small, especially in case of small targets (Dold, 1996; Ahn et. 
al, 1997). Second, to date there has been no practical method to 
automatically determine the target plane, which is a basic 
requirement for the correction of this error. 
This paper presents an automatic target plane determination 
process which is applicable to any VM network using circular 
targets. As will be pointed out, ultra-precise surveys should 
benefit from the developed process because the systematic 
eccentricity error can be corrected, which will result in higher 
obtainable accuracy. However, even medium to high-precision 
applications can employ the target plane information to 
automatically compensate for target thickness in the case of 

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