Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
surface inspections, for example in the measurement of antenna 
reflectors or moulded components. 
The target plane determination process was implemented and 
evaluated in Australis, a photogrammetric software package for 
off-line VM (Fraser & Edmundson, 2000; Photometrix, 2004). 
The proposed target plane determination process can be 
subdivided into two stages. First the ellipse parameters of the 
circular target are computed in each image. In the next stage the 
actual elements of the circular target (target plane normal and 
radius) are determined using the computed ellipse information 
and the exterior orientation (EO) of the images. Considering 
mathematical rigor, this stage should be performed inside the 
bundle adjustment since object points and the EO of the images 
are correlated (within the bundle). However, this fact may be 
neglected because the eccentricity error has only a very small 
effect on the parameters of the bundle adjustment. Hence, it is 
justified to compute the target elements only once when the 
bundle is near convergence. Then the final iterations are 
computed considering the eccentricity corrections. 
In the following, knowledge of least-squares formulations in 
bundle adjustment is assumed and therefore only the 
fundamental observation equations for the adjustment models 
are derived. 
2.1 Ellipse Parameter Determination by 2D Gaussian 
Distribution Fitting 
The determination of the ellipse parameters is a delicate 
problem since targets are typically only a few pixels in 
diameter (see Figure 2). State-of-the-art VM systems only 
determine the centre of the imaged target, mostly via by the 
well-known intensity-weighted centroiding approach: 
s) EEUU « 
Yo SN e 
i=l j=1 
Here, Xo, Yo are the centroid coordinates, Xj, yj are the pixel 
coordinates and g; are the grey values within a window of 
dimension n x m. It should be mentioned, that a careful 
thresholding process needs to be performed before the actual 
centroiding, to remove disturbing background noise. Equation 1 
points out clearly that as much pixel. information as possible is 
used to compute the target centre. This consideration is also 
accounted for in the determination process for the ellipse 
The idea of using the 2D Gaussian distribution to find the 
centre of gravity of a 2D object can be found in literature quite 
often. However, a visual analysis of the Gaussian distribution 
(bell curve) and intensity images of real targets (Figure 2) 
proves that the Gaussian distribution fits well to small targets 
only. Bigger targets have an intensity plateau, which cannot be 
described by the Gaussian distribution. 
P ar 
Figure 2: Typical target image in VM and its intensity image. 
As it turns out, the cumulative Gaussian distribution (CGD) is 
an ideal base function (Figure 3) for the designed target 
function, which allows a description of targets with the 
aforementioned intensity plateau. 
15 À —05 9" 0.5 1 15 
Figure 3: Cumulative Gaussian distribution (CGD). 
The CGD is defined by 
Qx)= € [Gx = 
1 : 1 
-2 visa” m 2 \ 20 / 
where G(x) is the Gaussian distribution, cis the corresponding 
standard deviation and 4/ the expectation. Substituting x by 
fx 1) in Equation 2 leads to the ID function shown in Figure 
4. The next step is to substitute x by an implicit ellipse 
equation, which results in the sought-after 2D function T. 
x (cos sing) x—c, (3) 
y i —sind cosdAy-—c, 
B= x + + -] (4) 
a b 
T(s, B, c, c,,a b, 4,0, 20) 5 s- O(- E)« f (5) 
Equation 3 describes a transformation, the use of which within 
the implicit ellipse equation 4 allows the interpretation of c, and 
c, as the centre of the ellipse and ¢ as the bearing of the semi 
major axis. 
DAL m te 
08 AN 
/ N 
/ V 
/ 04 \ 
/ N 
/ 0.2 \ 
7 N 
7 Ng 
6 ATS U 1.5 
Figure 4: Target function derived from the CGD. 

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