Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
distortion can clearly exceed the measurement accuracy of VM. 
The use of high quality digital equipment allows the 
achievement of typical triangulation accuracies of 1:100.000, 
which is about 0.05 mm in this case. However, the real 
accuracy of the presented network is about 0.25 mm for the 
object points (sce Table 2). 
Finally, a ‘dangerous’ effect for practical applications can be 
observed. Since the adjustment parameters compensate for the 
eccentricity error, the bundle adjustment estimates the accuracy 
of the object coordinates too optimistically (by factor 10 in this 
case), which may lead to misinterpretation, eg in deformation 
Kager (1981) and Ahn et al. (1999) have developed two 
different correction formulae for the ellipse center eccentricity. 
Using Equations 16 and 17, the problem can solved via a third 
approach. First the implicit ellipse parameters of the imaged 
target circle are computed. This allows determination of the 
ellipse center coordinates (Equation 21). Using the image space 
target center and the ellipse center, the sough-after correction 
vector can be calculated. The equality of the three correction 
formulas was numerically proven by the authors. 
The presented target plane determination algorithm is a fully 
automated process which is suitable to any VM system which 
employs circular targets. The process has been implemented 
and evaluated within the Australis software system. As shown 
here, the algorithm can generate accurate target plane 
information, which will serve practical applications. The 
benefits are the correction of target thickness in the case of 
surface inspection and the general increased accuracy in ultra- 
precise surveys, since the observation equations of the bundle 
adjustment can be described more rigorously. 
To date, one has always had to find a compromise between big 
(high centroiding accuracy) and small targets (small 
eccentricity error). The proposed method resolves this problem 
and allows use of big targets without the impact of eccentricity 
Further research on real high-precision networks should further 
show that the accuracy of the object points can be increased by 
considering the eccentricity error. Since the improved accuracy 
is not ‘visible’ from internal measures within the bundle 
adjustment (as described in Section 4) ultra-precise reference 
(checkpoint) coordinates of object points are needed to verify 
the improved accuracy. 
Ahn, S.J., Warnecke, H.-J. and Kotowski, R., 1999. Systematic 
Geometric Image Measurement Errors of Circular Object 
Targets: Mathematical Formulation and Correction, 
Photogrammetric Record, 16(93), 485-502. 
Ahn, S. J. and Kotowski, R., 1997. Geometric image 
measurement errors of circular object targets. Optical 3-D 
Measurement Techniques IV (Eds. A. Gruen and H. Kahmen). 
Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg. 494 pages: 463-471. 
Dold, J., 1996. Influence of large targets on the results of 
photogrammetric bundle adjustment. /nternational Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 31(B5): 119—123. 
Fraser, C.S., 1997. Automation in Digital Close-Range 
Photogrammetry, 1st Trans Tasman Surveyors Conference, 
Fryer J (ed), Proceedings of the 1st Trans Tasman Surveyors 
Conference, 1: 8.1 - 8.10. Newcastle, NSW: Institute of 
Surveyors, Australia. 
Fraser, C.S. and Shao, J., 1997. An Image Mensuration Strategy 
for Automated Vision Metrology, Optical 3D Measurement 
Techniques IV, Heidelberg, Germany: Wichmann Verlag, 187- 
Fraser, C. S. and Edmundson, K .L., 2000. Design and imple- 
mentation of a computational processing system for off-line 
digital close range photogrammetry. ISPRS Journal of Photo- 
grammetry and Remote Sensing, 55(1): 94-104. 
Kager H., 1981, Bündeltriangulation mit indirekt beobachteten 
Kreiszentren. Geowissenschaftliche Mittelungen Heft 19, 
Institut für Photogrammetrie der Technischen Universität Wien. 
Kraus, K., 1996, Photogrammetrie, Band 2: Verfeinerte 
Methoden und Anwednungen, Fred. Duemmlers Verlag. 
Mikhail, Edward M. and Ackermann, F. (1996) Observations 
and Least Squares, IEP-A Dun-Donnelley. 
Photometrix, 2004, Web site: hitp://www.photometrix.com.au 
(accessed 15 April 2004). 
In the following the conversion between explicit ellipse 
parameters and the implicit form (a general polynomial of the 
second degree, see Equation 15) is given. The parametric form 
of the ellipse equation can be described by 
x) (M.,) ( cos sinó Y Acosa 
: | ¢ "| (18) 
y M) \-sinÿ cosó A Bcosa 
where M,, M, are the centre coordinates, ¢ is the bearing of the 
semi-major axis, and A and B are the semi major and semi 
minor axes of the ellipse. 
The corresponding conversion to the implicit form follows as 
— cos’ ¢ sin @ 
a zi a 
B: A 
$- 2: cosp-sine | = | (19) 
x B® 7 
zo d. cav d 
A À 
f=1-M;-a-M, M, b-M, € 

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