Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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pp. 21- 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3. Diagram of maximum coverage angles 
Figure 5. Point cloud showing with and without 
a masking tape 
Masking tape. 
Aluminum surface 
IB D111 1117s. 
Figure 4. Point cloud showing with and without 
an application of dulling spray 
Coverage Angle Observations (degree) Coverage Increase 
Pipe Surface Materials 
1 2 3 MAX. Angle (%) (%) 
A Brass N/A 158.20 16513 153.15 165.13 45.87 N/A 
As Is 
B PVC 62.19 57.14 52.79 62.19 1728 4 
Sprayed 115.12 98.94 123.51 123.51 34.31 
As Is 
C Staliloss Sion 56.17 59.63 45.22 59.63 16.56 | 395 
Sprayed 134.91 151.16 140.59 - 151.16 41.99 
As Is 
D Calvatia 83.08 67.95 69.55 83.08 23.08 598 
Sprayed 134.79 126.65 136.62 136.62 37.95 
As Is : 
= Steel 82.47 86.46 81.45 86.46 24.02 564 
Sprayed 145.50 15332. 14994 153.32 42.59 
F Ceramic N/A 123.71 — 12649 12401 126.49 35.14 N/A 
As Is 
G Aluminum 93.11 98.64 95.24 98.64 2740 aio 
Sprayed 156.91 | 161.66 153.08 161.66 44.91 
Table 1. Observations of Coverage Angles with Dulling spray 

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