Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
cause problems later. When the resolution is too coarse, 
on the other hand, it will happen many times that several 
laser points get transformed into a single voxel. Then, these 
points are indistinguishable in the voxel space and details 
like small branches may be lost. Furthermore, different 
branches (or trees) may get connected, i.e. pass through the 
same voxel or through neighboring voxels. This may cause 
errors when building topology in a later stage. It should 
be noted that the laser point density decreases with the dis- 
tance to the scanner, and therefore is not uniform over the 
3D space. This further complicates the choice for an opti- 
mal resolution. 
Space and time: The number of voxels in a 3D raster increases 
with the 3rd power of the resolution (when expressed 
in voxels/distance) and may easily become impracticable 
when resolution is chosen too fine. Memory capacity prob- 
lems may occur in software that needs random access within 
the 3D space. Smart implementations might prevent this sit- 
uation in many cases, but not always. Moreover, processing 
times usually increase with the 3rd power of the resolution 
as well. 
During experiments, resolution between 2 cm and 5 cm were 
used. 2 cm seems to preserve the details of the tree accurately 
enough, although this should be further investigated. 
According to the laser scanning model, laser points occur on the 
surface of objects (trees). After rasterization, only voxels that ae 
intersected by the tree-air surface will have non-zero values. The 
actual voxel value assigned is the number of points falling inside 
the cube in (x,y,z)-space corresponding to a voxel. Therefore, a 
voxel value can be regarded as a point density measure. 
3.2 3D neighborhood operators 
After transferring the laser points to a 3D raster, neighborhood 
operators are applied to enhance the data. The neighborhood op- 
erators are 3D extensions of 2D raster operators, such as linear 
filtering (convolution), distance transforms [Borgefors, 1996], 
[Svensson and Borgefors, 2002] and mathematical morphology 
[Serra, 1985]. 
The purpose of enhancement using neighborhood operators is 
Noise reduction: In the context of tree reconstruction, isolated 
laser points, or isolated small groups of adjacent laser 
points, can be considered noise. Neighborhood operations 
are able to reduce this kind of noise. 
Repairing gaps caused by occlusions: The software provides 
morphological dilation and erosion with user-defined struc- 
turing elements (Fig. 3). Closing (dilation followed by ero- 
sion) is used to fill small holes and gaps between laser 
point, which may be caused by branches occluding other 
branches. The maximum size of the holes and gaps that can 
be repaired in this way is controlled by the structuring el- 
ement size, and is also related to the chosen resolution in 
the previous step. By using different shapes of structuring 
elements it is possible to indicate a preferred direction for 
the closing, for example to connect points above each other 
rather than points at the same height. 
Filling ‘hollow’ trees: Laser points are located on tree surfaces 
rather than inside trees. Initially, trees are hollow. How- 
ever, we are going to extract the skeleton (see 3.3), allow- 
ing to reveal the topology within the tree. Hollow trees 
have to be filled, by a second morphological closing (Fig. 
4). The structuring element size is given by the maximum 
trunk thickness expected in a given raster resolution. The 
Figure 3: 3D Filter kernels and structuring elements 
structuring element should be oriented horizontally, since 
filling is needed mostly in the (vertical) trunk. 
This should work well when points are located completely 
around the tree, as was the intention of recording the scene 
from four different viewpoints. This would also reduce the 
above-mentioned occlusion problems. Unfortunately, the 
four datasets from the different scanner positionings could 
not be properly co-registered. Therefore, they had to be 
processed one by one, which limits the application of this 
hollow tree filling method. 
Figure 4: 2D illustration of dilation and erosion to fill *hollow? 
trees. From left to right: input cross-section; dilation; erosion; 
filled cross section. 
3.3 Skeletonization 
The next step in tree reconstruction is skeletonization, the reduc- 
tion of the thickness of tree trunks and branches to one voxel. 
After that, it will be possible to identify different branches and 
reveal topological relations between them. 
Skeletonization is done by iteratively removing voxels from the 
outside of objects, up to the point where only a single-voxel 
wide linear structure is left. Strictly speaking, this is line skele- 
tonization, which is to be distintuished for surface skeletoniza- 
tion, where volumes to are reduced to surfaces of single-voxel 
thickness. At that point, removal of one more voxel would cause 
a branch to break (be separated into disconnected parts), assum- 
ing 26-adjacency. 
Skeletonization has been a difficult problem in 2D and even 
more so in 3D, but nowadays various solutions can be found 
in literature [Borgefors et al, 1999], [Lohou and Bertrand, 2001], 
[Palágyi et al, 2001], [Telea and Vilanova, 2003]. Skeletoniza- 
tion algorithms iteratively ‘peel’ layers from the outside of ob- 
jects, and some approaches can be subdivided according to the 
number of subiterations within each iteration. This number can 
be 6, 8 or 12, depending on whether a cubic object to be skele- 
tonized would be 'attacked' from the faces, corners or edges, 
respectively. For this project we implemented an 8-subiteration 
method, described by [Palágyi and Kuba, 1999], which shows ex- 
cellent performance. 
3.4 Skeleton segmentation 
The next step finds the structure of the tree as represented by 
the skeleton, in terms of branches and junctions that connect 

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