Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
high-quality DEM directly [Weidner 1996, Brunn 1997]. 
Because the range image consists of discrete points, without 
topological relation, boundary attribute and object feature, it 
brings about the uncertainty of extracted object. The key to the 
problem focuses on how to distinguish different objects and 
construct model respectively. Manandhar (2001) has classified 
scanning points according to the spatial distribution feature of 
laser points in each scan line. Although the data processing is 
complex, it can separate buildings, roads and trees etc. Li (2003) 
researched linear building feature extraction from range images. 
But all those are limited in extracting only one lateral feature of 
buildings. Because hitherto there are no matured feasible 
methods of segmentation and feature extraction from range 
image, current laser-scanning systems are all integrated with 
CCD or similar image acquisition devices. The range images 
are mainly used as a supplement of photogrammetry or be 
constructed high-quality DEM/DSM, and the CCD image data 
for image segmentation and feature extraction [Ackermann 
1999]. This collaborative mode has the character with the high 
cost of time, the large quantities of data-storage and the 
complex processing and integration of multi-source data. 
Segmentation is the base of identification, location and 
modeling of objects. This paper mainly researches the 
technology and method of segmentation and extraction from 
range images captured by vehicle-borne laser scanning system. 
2. 1 Acquisition Of Range Image 
Vehicle-borne laser scanning system realizes the 
combination of multi-sensors such as 2D Laser Scanner, GPS, 
attitude-measure device (IMU, INS or multi-antenna GPS) and 
Odometer onto the automobile platform. Under the control of 
the vehicle-borne computer, the automobile runs along building 
at the normal speed (Fig.1), the surface geometric information 
of the objects is acquired in the real-time. In the system, GPS 
gives the precise 3D position of the LS in the space, 
attitude-measure device gives the attitude parameter of 
the LS in the space, and laser scanner precisely 
determines the distance from the scanner center to the 
object at high frequency. According to geometry theory, 
the 3D coordinates of the sampling points can be calculated to 
form points cloud easily and quickly. 
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Figure 1: The principle of scanning a building object and other 
visible objects around the building 
2.2 Principles and Workflow Of Data Processing 
Image segmentation is one kind of fundamental technology of 
computer vision and image analysis. To 2D grey image, the 
procedure for image segmentation is to classify the image into 
distinct groups and to extract the interested groups or objects 
from image. From 1960s plenty of researches have been done 
on grey image segmentation and formed about 1000 kinds of 
segmentation algorithms [Pal 1993]. Most of algorithms are 
aim at special problem and there is not suitable for all images. 
Even given a practical case of image segmentation, there is no 
standard for selecting suitable segmentation algorithm [Zhang 
1996]. Usually some important features are selected to make 
the main objects of image achieve the best and the most marked, 
at the same time discard the irrespective or minor information 
in order to reduce the complexity of classification [Vailaya 
Range image represents the surface geographic information of 
the objects in the form of 3D discrete coordinates, which has no 
description of attribute and there does not exist topological 
relation among the data points. Compared with normal 2D grey 
image, range image does not exist visible boundary or the 
possibility of “see” the objects. Current algorithms for image 
segmentation and identification are all aiming at 2D grey image, 
which cannot be used for the classification of 3D range image. 
This paper presents the segmentation method of different 
objects (buildings, roads, trees, independent objects such as 
lamp-pole etc.) from range images through the spatial feature 
analysis of the objects. The principle of object segmentation is: 
1) to form horizontal mesh grids; 2) to project all the data 
points on the grids and calculate the number of points of each 

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