Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

stanbul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
line detection for historical structure. 
| 3.4 Recognition of Standard Deviation for 
Treated Classification of the Flat Area 
as Flat The threshold of flatness was classified on the basis 
Point | of the measurement results. Figure 6 shows the 
measurement targets for reference, and figure 7 
> | presents the S.D. values for some mask sizes. 
X In this paper, the threshold was set at S.D. = 0.020 
| m (inclusive of rough unpaved roads), which 
| considered the state of the roof surfaces (comprising 
of straw). 
The gray part in figure 8 indicates the flat area that 
ts is a result of the classification using the results 
Points indicated in figure 5(a). The white part indicated the 
: flat area by "S.D. Saving". 
dge-lines) | 
for DTM 
lems with 
(b) Rough Unpaved Road 
persist. A (b) Break-lines detection by the developed method 
reak-lines | Fig.4 Detection of The Break-line 
ed”. The for efficiency certification 
reserving | 
area is | 
[- ] 
within the 
nask was | 
0 cm was 
(c) Roadside Barrier (d) Shrubbery 
rj Reference Area 
Fig.6 The Measurement Targets for Reference. 
0.040 I 
rest point 0035 + 
0230 F 
7 0025 } 
weight is E ond 
tween the s 0015 F 
0010 F 
Bonis off (b) Detected Break-lines by the developed method one y I 
OR : 1 : | 
C Fig.5 Detection of The Break-Lines i P 01 02 04 05 : 
1 a larger for Historical Structure 
reas were Fig.7 The S.D. Values for Some Mask Sizes 
and these 
nts break- 

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