Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
1.3 Survey of barrage systems and terrace walls CUR UN E T urs a A d e de 
The survey aims at understanding settlement and environmental 
history of Jabal Haroun. According to the latest results, the area 
has been settled from the late later phases of the Early 
Palaeolithic to the present. The main objective of the 
archaeological survey is to investigate the settlement history 
reflected through sites and finds dating to the different periods. 
land — 
Hydraulic installations like barrages and terrace systems (Fig. 1 
and Fig. 2) are one of the most important indicators of human 
activity in the area. Because of their large number the geodetic 
survey methods are extremely important in their documentation. 
Each structure is measured by tacheometer as 3-D polygon 
lines, interpreted in field point by point and targeted with prism 
on stage (Fig. 3). 
roach in During the field seasons 2002 and 2003 the Finnish Jabal 
in Petra, Haroun Project survey has documented terrace walls by 
lentation photogrammetric means. This has been made not only because 
has been of their large number but also because of the fact that they are 
aes are more easily visible from certain distance than very close to them 
ST (Fig. 1). The team has applied panoramic image sequences 
d LS instead of single images. In order to facilitate three-dimensional 
of hea interpretation of both topography and structures, all 
RR photography is made as stereo pairs. 
Te A crucial motivation for developing photogrammetric 
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documentation in archaeological survey has been to intensify 
the field works. 
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Figure 3. The barrage and terrace structures are identified in the 
field and measured with a tacheometer. In case of large and 
clear structures the remains are recorded as lower and upper 
poly lines. 
3008-3010 4 
34015-4016 au 
i 5. Site 139 
„m Petra, 
leads the 
; Figure 1. Site 123 on the slope of Jabal Farasha. The remains © 1003-1004 
cavations, = : Ss se : : > 
of terraces to be surveyed in the field become visible in this m 
al., 2002). 
al survey 
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lighting. This panoramic image sequence is a photogrammetric 
document and is part of a stereo pair No. 1003-1004 in Fig. 4. 
The barrages locate in the tributary and are occluded by trees. 
ld seasons 
of digital 
| has been 
tation for 
Figure 4. Part of photogrammetric documentation of the FJHP 
project during the field season 2002. The example used in this 
paper is based on the panoramic image sequence 1003-1004 and 
the site 123 on the left. The background is an orthophoto 
produced from the Russian KVR-1000 space images. 
1.4 The use of natural features as control instead of 
artificial targets 
Figure 2. The barrages of site 123 in the tributary are In order to control photogrammetric documents geographically, 
documented with close-up photography. In order to ease the we have to interpret and locate proper reference objects in the 
structural interpretation the barrages are documents as stereo 
pairs as well.

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