Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
cooperation. This Directory is necessarily incomplete 
because of the difficulty in obtaining accurate and timely 
information about all education institutions around the 
world in a range of languages. Therefore education 
institutions are encouraged to provide their new or updated 
details of education and training programs in the remote 
sensing and spatial information sciences. 
e Tutorials in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS 
e News about satellite missions and launches 
e Glossaries and Acronyms used in Remote Sensing, GIS, 
Radar and Cartography 
e Journals of Photogrammetry, Geodesy and Remote Sensing 
Working Group VI/1 provides also a big database of education- 
related links, including training opportunities, online 
publications and journals, continuing education courses, 
educational institutions, free software, missions and instruments 
information (http://www.commission6.isprs.org/wg1/). 
The ISPRS web site contains also a list of job opportunities. 
The Employment Opportunities archives is a jobs listing 
intended to provide offers for people who are seeking an 
employment (http://Www.isprs.org/job_opportunities/). 
Messages are posted via e-mail and last until when the position 
is taken. Employers and universities are encouraged to submit 
advertisement in the ISPRS archive. 
Educational resources and job opportunities can also be found 
in the Academic Sites for Geomatic Engineering, maintained by 
Robert Kauper. It is a collection of links to international 
academic institutions that provide education in the field of 
Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Surveying, Cartography and GIS 
3.5 ISPRS Events Calendar 
The ISPRS Events Calendar (www.isprs.org/calendar.html) is 
one of the most important parts of ISPRS web pages. The 
Calendar contains a list of all ISPRS and Sister Societies (FIG, 
ICA, IAG, IHO, IGU, etc.) sponsored and co-sponsored 
workshops, symposia, tutorials, conferences, congresses, and 
other meetings. It also contains details of all international and 
national events on topics related to the activities of spatial 
information, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geomatics, 
surveying, mapping, machine vision, image processing and 
similar areas. One of the purposes for this Calendar is to allow 
people of WGs, Commissions and Sister Societies to identify 
open dates or events, which they may link up with or avoid 
conflicting with. This Events Calendar was compiled manually 
by previous editors and contained some incorrect information, 
or missed some important events. The current Editor (2000- 
2004) has established an automatic system [Chen, 2002] to 
search. the events information of geo-spatial information, 
photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying, geomatics, and 
GIS on the Internet. 
3.6 ISPRS Server statistics 
Since the beginning. (1995), the ISPRS server statistics are 
available to analyse the interest of the community. The logfile 
of the Apache server is examined with Analog [Analog, 2004], 
a program that analyses servers' files. Figure 17 (upper) shows 
a monthly report of the number of requests to ISPRS server, in 
the period January 1995 - April 2004. The increasing interest of 
the community for the ISPRS homepage is evident. The graph 
gives a reasonable estimate of the use of the server as only the 
request for single HTML documents are counted and requests 
for images, graphics, icons etc. are not taken into account. 
Moreover these statistics refer only to requests made outside 
ETH domain, which excludes all the accesses during the 
maintenance of the documents. The data missing from the 
figure in the period July-August 2000 is due to the movement 
of the server from Delft to Zurich. 
Figure 17 (lower) shows instead the average request per year. 
The steady increase of the use of the HTML documents over 
the years and especially after the registration of ISPRS domain 
is obvious. 
In 1995 the average of monthly requests were 424, in 1998 the 
average was 5780 while at present ISPRS server has an average 
of 190 000 requests per month. 
The different domain (~country) served at least one by the 
server were 160 (ca 65% of the registered country code 
domains); the distinct hosts served (~users) were ca 228 000 
with an average of 20Mb of data transferred per day. More than 
20 000 different organizations have contacted the ISPRS server 
with ca 4000 successful requests per day. 
Monthly Requests to ISPRS server 
200000 @ 
. cw 5) BEN: 
X 150000 © 
= i: 
el o 
s À 400000 © 
E 2 
50000 S 
e Fu 
A e 
01995 m1996 01997 01998 01999 mg2000 m2001 C2002 m2003 m 2004) 
Average request per year to ISPRS server 
200000 A 
150000 d 
100000 ms 
50000 € 
T T T T T 
Number of requests 
0 T 4 T T T 
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 
Figure 17: Monthly report (upper) and average requests per 
year (lower) in the period January 1995-April 2004 on ISPRS 
Another interesting statistic provided by Analog concerns the 
words and queries used in the search engines to find ISPRS and 
its related pages: between ca 30 000 search terms, the most 
used are remote, ‘sensing’, ‘photogrammetry’ and ‘isprs’. 
Considering all the queries, the most requested are 
'photogrammetry', 'isprs', ‘remote sensing’, ‘International 
Archive of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing’, 'isprs 
journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing’ and 'orange 
book'. The browser most used to find information related to 
ISPRS is Microsoft Internet Explorer followed by Netscape. 
The majority of the users (67%) has Windows as operating 
systems; then Unix (Sun + Linux) and Macintosh (Figure 18). 
The information (directories) more requested contain the 
publications, the events calendar and the technical commissions 
while 73% of the consulted files are PDF articles. 

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