Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

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P. Drap”, P. Grussenmeyer ^, P. Y. Curtinot^, J. Seinturier?, G. Gaillard à 
“ MAP-GAMSAU UMR CNRS-MCC 694, Ecole d' Architecture, Marseille, France - (Pierre.Drap, 
? MAP-PAGE UMR CNRS-MCC 694, INSA de Strasbourg, France - pierre.grussenmeyer@insa-strasbourg. fr 
“ IGN, Marne la Vallée, France - pierre-yves.curtinot@ign.fr 
? STRATOS Documentation France - GillesGaillard@compuserve.com 
Commission VI, WG V1/2-4 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Architecture, Internet/Web, Technology, Interoperability, Close range. 
The paper presents the current state of the ARPENTEUR project (ARchitectural PhotogrammEtry Network Tool for EdUcation and 
Research), and principally the new photogrammetric module, the 3D measuring and modelling module including an automatic DSM 
densification tool and the formalization of photogrammetric data in XML. 
This JAVA™ based package has been proposed as a WEB tool since 1998. It is now also available as standard software running on 
Windows or Linux platforms. 
Several significant ideas are supporting this project: 
- The photogrammetric module has been based on the orientation of couples of images (not necessarily stereo pairs, and not 
necessarily from metric cameras) and well known steps of interior and exterior orientation. Image processing functions from the Java 
Advanced Imaging Library as well as an area based correlation method for the measurements of homologous points are included. 
- A semi-automated Primitive Measurement Method called I-MAGE (Image processing and Measure Assisted by GEometrical 
primitive) has been proposed for the geometric measurement of 3D model. This method is based on the coupling of image 
correlation and geometric primitive computation as planes, cylinders, cones and sphere shapes of the object. Five methods of 
generating DSM automatically are completing the previous modules. These methods based on feature point extraction techniques, 
well known in aerial photogrammetry, have been adapted to close range projects in Arpenteur. Encouraging results have been 
- The last important point is the choice of XML to formalize object data, as well as photogrammetric data. Automatic links are 
generated between the 3D representation of the measured object and the XML formalization of the photogrammetric, dimensional 
and more general semantic data of a project. As the data in XML can be parsed and queried, the links between textual data and 
graphical representation can be considered as the first step towards an information system dedicated to architecture and archaeology. 
We present in this paper the latest development of the As a tool dedicated to archaeology and architecture, 
Arpenteur package.  ARPENTEUR (as  ARchitectural ARPENTEUR benefits from the expertise of two teams 
PhotogrammEtry Network Tool for EdUcation and Research) working in the field of close range photogrammetry and 
Is a set of software tools developed in the frame of the MAP representation of architectural information. 
research Group, a laboratory of the French National Research The main objective in a project is founded on the idea of a 
Council (CNRS). These tools are web based and rely on IP process guided by the information related to the studied field. 
communication techniques. Examples can be consulted at Concerning architecture and archaeology, the goal is to allow 
http://www.arpenteur.net. experts to use their knowledge to produce results which ideally 
The current version presented in this paper remains a web-based meet their wishes. [Barceló, 2000] The results can be shown as 
photogrammetric tool strongly supported by a link between documents, visual files, or as a body destined for a database. 
photogrammetry and the knowledge of the studied field For this purpose the system makes a set of tools available to the 
(frequently archaeology or architecture). experts and allows them to formulate hypothesis and the 
Arpenteur is developed in Java 1.4 using the library JAI (Java corresponding measurements related to their field of 
Advanced Imaging 1.1) and Java3D for 3D visualization. To investigation. As an example, we can consider the creation of a 
have access to the result presentation module, a SVG plug-in is corpus representing the objects in their field of investigation. 
required. All this products are available for free from SUN and Finally, ARPENTEUR looks like a tool developed for 
Adobe web sites. professional architects and archaeologists with minimal 
During the last years we have developed our collaboration with intervention of the photogrammetry expert. 
underwater archaeologists and the development presented in 
this paper has been made in this framework. 
ER a eo ec 

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