Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
4.6 Web publication 
Formats used (XML, XSL, SVG) for the storage and the 
publication of the data are strongly Web oriented. It is possible 
to create Web publications of information relative to a survey 
by setting up on a server a Web server as well as a server 
allowing the processing of data in XML (like Apache Tomcat 
for example). The use of a server has two advantages. First one 
allows a large audience to display the results of a survey and 
thus to facilitate the access to the data. Second one is to allow 
teams working in various places on the same survey in 
openness (as within the framework of international 
4.7 Consistency verification and data merging 
Finally, XML allows a fast access to the data. Considering this 
characteristic, we will be able in a future work to scan XML 
files and detect some inconsistencies in order to go toward an 
automation of some corrections, such as for example 
redundancy in measurements or bad classification. of the 
The problem of data evolution becomes crucial as soon as 
several measurement methods are involved, or when different 
sources are used to establish the final data. We must manage 
data coming from both photogrammetric measurements and 
other more or less direct manual measurements. All of these 
measurements are incomplete and represent the same object at 
different time. 
This work about reversible data fusion and revision, from the 
different data sources existing in this project has been started 
this year thanks to collaboration with Prof. Odile Papini, SIS 
laboratory, University of Toulon, France (Odile Papini, 2001). 
In this new version of Arpenteur we have presented two kinds 
of developments: a DSM tool, fully integrated in the measuring 
process of Arpenteur and a synthetic approach of data fusion in 
SVG in order to merge and clarify the result file after the 
plotting phase. 
Both of these developments are part of the general framework 
and the main objective of the Arpenteur research program: 
establish a link between knowledge and geometry in a simple 
photogrammetric tool able to be freely used by archaeologists. 
As all the data, (photo orientation and results from the plotting 
phase) are stored in a unique XML repository, it will be 
possible, in a near future, to export data in a 3D visualization 
tool (Java3D and X3D) and allow a bidirectional access to non 
graphical data through the 3D interface. The work presented 
here is the first step to a photogrammetry based Information 
System dedicated to archaeology and architecture. 
The author wishes to thank Luc Long, Chief Curator in 
DRASSM, Marseille, to have lent us two Etruscan amphorae 
from the Grand Ribaud F excavation, used in the 
experimentation presented here. 
References from Other Literature: 
Juan A. Barceló, 2000. “Visualizing what might be. An 
introduction to virtual reality techniques in archaeology”. 
Virtual Reality in Archeology, Edited by Juan A. Barcelo, 
Donald Sanders, Maurizio Forte. Published by Archéopress PO 
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Pierre Drap, Pierre Grussenmeyer, Gilles Gaillard. Simple 
photogrammetric methods with arpenteur. 3-d plotting and 
orthoimage generation : the I-MAGE process. CIPA 2001 
International Symposium, Potsdam University (Germany) 
September 18 - 21, 2001. /SPRS International Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information 
Sciences, Volume XXXIV — 5/C7, ISSN 1682-1750, p. 47, 54. 
Pierre Drap, Matteo Sgrenzaroli, Marco Canciani, Giacomo 
Cannata, Julien Seinturier . 2003. "Laser Scanning and close 
range photogrammetry: Towards a single measuring tool 
dedicated to architecture and archaeology". CIPA XIXih 
international symposium, antalya, Turkey, October 2003. 
Pierre Drap, Julien Seinturier, Luc Long. 2003. "Archaeological 
3D Modelling using digital photogrammetry and Expert 
System. The case study of Etruscan amphorae”, Sixth 
International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial 
Intelligence Limoges (FRANCE) 14 - 15 mai 2003. 
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detector ». Proceedings of the 4th Alvey Conference, 
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Odile Papini, 2001. “Iterated revision operations stemming 
from the hystory o fan agent's observations" Frontiers of Belief 
Revision M.-A. Williams and H. Rott eds. Applied logic series. 
22. Kluwer Academic publishers. Pages 279-301. 2001. 
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Interest Point Detectors ». /nternational Journal of Computer 
Vision, 37(2), 2000, pp. 151-172. 
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Decimation of triangle meshes ». Computer Graphics, 26(2), 
July 1992, pp 65-70. 
References from websites: 
Drap Pierre, Grussenmeyer Pierre, ARPENTEUR, an 
ARchitectural PhotogrammEtric Network Tool for EdUcation 
and Research;, http://arpenteur.gamsau.archi.fr (version 3.1.4, 
25 April 2004) 
Grand Ribaud F, 2000-2004. Drap Pierre, Durand Anne, Long 
Luc, Web site dedicated to the Grand Ribaud F Etruscan wreck. 
Jess, 2001 “JESS, The Java Expert System Shell” FT. 
Friedman-Hill, September 2001 http://www.sandia.gov/jess 
SVG, 2001, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification, 
W3C Recommendation 04 September 2001, Jon Ferraiolo, 
XML, 2000, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second 
Edition), W3C Recommendation 6 October 2000, Tim Bray, 
Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler, 
XSL, 1999, XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0, James 
Clark, W3C Recommendation 16 November 1999, 
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