Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
ID name order directory 
3 Aufnahmesysteme 3 inhalt neu/kap2/ 
36 Einführung 0 inhalt, neu/einführung 
35 Physikalische Grundlagen 2 inhalt neu/pg 
12 Photographische 1 inhalt neu/kap27 
13 Prozess 1 inhalt neu/kap2/ 
14 Empfindlichkeit 2 inhalt neu/kap2/ 
15 Farben/Filter “ 3 inhalt_neu/kap2/ 
16 Farbphotographie 4. inhalt. neu/kap2/ 
17 Filme 5 inhalt neu/kap2/ 
Table 1. 
4.4 Tests 
Web-based learning, as well as conventional learning only is 
successful, if the knowledge is applied correctly. Tests make 
a fundamental contribution to the assessment of course 
participants. During the tutorial students' knowledge is tested 
in different stages. 
After first authentication, existing knowledge is checked by 
solving questions on a multiple choice basis. This gives the 
system the ability to relate the user to one of three classes - 
beginner, average student, advanced student. The more tests 
the user has fulfilled, the more precise this classification will 
be. In chapter 4.5 you will get more information about the 
assessment's calculation. 
Next, small tasks must be solved while going through the 
lessons. If these questions are answered incorrectly, the 
system gives support to find the correct solution. In the 
expert's advice table the information where to look for 
additional support is stored. Possibly the student has to repeat 
the test. How the system tries to avoid putting same questions 
again is explained in chapter 4.6. These pre-tests have no 
influence on learners' assessment, but control the sequences 
of learning modules. 
After completing main chapters, new tests follow which 
decide on participants marking. During a final test, covering 
the entire area of remote sensing, the learner has to prove his 
knowledge. Comparable to an examination situation, the 
questions arc adjusted to the students' level of achievement. 
question log ID metadata q 
ID chapter ID ID 
user ID question question ID 
question ID level author 
date keywords 
time date 
answer flag 
state answer 
advice ID 
ID question ID 
question ID correct, flag 
directory answer 
Figure 5. Layout of the question database. 
chapter. ID name long 
0 Aufnahmesysteme fuer Luft und Satellitenbilder 
Oo à 
0 Einführung 
0 Physikalische Grundlagen der Fernerkundung 
3 Photographische Aufnahmesysteme 
12 Photographischer Prozess 
Spektrale Empfindlichkeit photographischer Schichten 
12 Farben und Filter 
12 Farbphotographie 
c3 c e © c © c 
12 Filme zur Luftbildaufnahme 
Example of a MySQL user table, representing a small part of chapter 2, data acquisition techniques. 
Of course, this could only be achieved, if also test questions 
are handled in a database. Questions are classified into three 
levels. Figure 5 gives an impression of the tables used. Please 
recognize the table for expert's advice, if a question was 
answered incorrectly. The questions the students tried to 
solve are registered in the protocol table as well as the time 
needed and if the question was answered successfully. 
4.5 Control of navigation 
Administrating the content and tests in databases is a prior 
condition for adapting the training course to the student's 
skills. As mentioned before, the course allows an 
achievement oriented, adapted navigation. The sequence of 
actions is controlled by tests, which need to be analysed 
carefully. As measure affecting the workflow the weighted 
quotient of questions answered correctly in relation to all 
answers is calculated. See Table 2 as example: 
Number Level of Difficulty State Score Marat | 
5 3 correct 15 15 
2 3 false 0 6 
0 2 correct 0 0 
2 2 false 0 4 
4 1 correct 4 4 
4 1 false 0 4 
17 Sum 19 33 
Table 2. Performance ratio - example. 
You can see, that 17 questions were answered in total and the 
student solved 9 correctly, 8 answeres were wrong. Among 
the 9 correct answeres, 5 were weighted with 3 and 4 with 
factor 1. Taking no notice of the weights, the quotient is 
calculated as 9/17=0,52. If the level of difficulty is 
considered, a better result is allocated (19 / 33 = 0,58). This 
weighted performance factor is calculated after every test and 
is stored in the user database (see Figure 3). 
According to this quotient, the student is guided through the 
lecture. Appropriate to his knowledge, he is assigned to one 
of three classes (beginner, average, advanced). Nevertheless 
the system allows that the student also answers questions of a 
different level of difficulty. Two indices, defined by the 
course author, regulate the probability of how the questions 
are distributed. As seen in Figure 6, experts could expect 
20% questions to be easy, 30% to be medium and 50% to be 
difficult, whereas a beginner will expect a ratio 50:40:10. 

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