Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
Diploma (ND) in Land Management at the Polytechnic of 
Namibia. At CEAD/NU the original thinking was to transfer 
the Namibian para- professional courses to RSA, however, after 
a series of workshops with the Department of Land Affairs 
(DLA), the main client in RSA, a flexible Masters programme 
in Land Information Management (LIM) was designed to more 
optimally meet the needs of DLA. 
The INSHURD-TELMSA 2 (IT-2) project on Land Information 
Management in Southern Africa, 2001-2004, also funded under 
the Dutch SAIL project programme, has complemented the 
achievements of the INSHURD and TELMSA projects in terms 
e Further development of the education and training 
capacity in Land Management at the Polytechnic of . 
Namibia to ensure the sustainable provision of staff 
required by land managing organisations at managerial, 
professional and para-professional levels. 
e Further developing the education, training and research 
capacity in Land Information Management at CEAD/NU 
to ensure sustainable provision of professional and 
academic staff required by land managing organisations 
and their supporting training suppliers. : 
e Institutional strengthening of the MLRR to improve 
organisation's performance in terms of efficiency and 
professionalism, through managerial capacity (general and 
technology management) development of the MLRR 
managerial staff. 
e Polytechnic of Namibia and CEAD/NU teaching staff 
development abroad, enhancement of teaching/learning 
facilities and South-to-South fellowships to support the 
regional perspective of the project. 
At the Polytechnic of Namibia, a Managers development 
programme, a Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) degree course 
programme in Land Management, a National Certificate course 
in Land Registration, a National Diploma in Land Use Planning 
and a National Diploma in Cadastral Surveying have been 
developed, institutionalised and operationalised during the 
project period. In 2004, 165 students were attending the courses 
in Land Management at the Polytechnic of Namibia. 
At CEAD/NU, the Land Information Management stream of 
the Masters programme in Environment and Development has 
been developed and implemented. 
At MLRR, a series of one or two-weeks organisation and 
technology management workshops for MLRR managers have 
been designed and implemented. Following and in relation to 
these workshops the MLRR managers have received 
professional coaching to support the elaboration of action plans 
to enhance MLRR operations. Seventy (70) MLRR managers 
have been trained in organisation and technology management 
during the IT-2 project period. 
A series of 14 organisation and technology management 
workshops of a duration of one or two weeks each have been 
designed and delivered to MLRR managerial staff over the 
period 2002 — 2004, with the aim to enhance management 
capabilities (Knowledge and skills), within the particular setting 
of the MLRR, for the effective planning, organising and 
controlling of activities, in line with the requirements for 
effective and efficient Land Reform and Management 
operations in Namibia. 
Through interactive, problem and action-oriented workshops 
and consequent professional coaching, facilitated by a team of 
international and local experts, the following objectives were 
e Definition of a common basis of operations and 
management, within a uniform MLRR policy framework, 
based on agreed management and administrative 
e Enhancement of MLRR manager’s knowledge and skills 
in areas related to policy making and strategic issues, 
including decentralisation policies aspects, organisational 
effectiveness and the supporting role of information 
systems, managerial effectiveness and optimisation of 
services and production processes 
* Definition of parameters for organisational performance 
enhancement, analysis of operational performance through 
benchmarking and identification and analysis of 
bottlenecks in operations and areas for improvement 
e Updating of the knowledge of MLRR managers on 
technology developments and trends in their particular 
fields of operation 
e Definition and work-out of action plans for improved 
organisational performance, including detailed proposals 
for implementation 
e Identification of further training needs for action plans 
The following workshops were delivered between March 2002 
and May 2004: 
e  Organisation-wide workshops on common and/or inter- 
related problems 
e Workshop l: Policy making and strategic issues 
e — Workshop 2: Organisational effectiveness 
e — Workshop 3: Managerial effectiveness 
e — Workshop 4: Financial management, budgeting and 
e — Workshop 13: Optimisation of production processes 
e Workshop 14: General and technology management 
e  Directorate/Division-wide ^ workshops on  specific/ 
disciplinary problems: 
e Workshop 5: General management for the 
Directorates of Land Reform and Resettlement and 
e — Workshop 6: Technology update for the Directorate 
of Land Reform and Regional Officers

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