Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
load time and the increasing requirements to the client 
computer. The representation of more than 1.000 municipalities 
in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania could not be achieved 
within a reasonable time. These performance issues limited the 
representation on the borough level in the administrative 
hierarchy in Germany. On the client side a version of the Java 
Runtime environment is needed. 
A further open environment for the interactive visualization of 
spatial data is SVG. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a 
language to describe two-dimensional graphics by XML. 
Already different standardisations are given by the W3C and it 
can be assumed that SVG intersperses as a standard in all future 
WWW-viewers. Highly developed interactive SVG applications 
are converted with the help of a supplementing script language. 
The full access to the SVG Document Object Model (DOM) is 
possible e.g. with JavaScript. Thus at the same time access to 
all further XHTML and SVG elements in the same web page is 
given. SVG applications are quality-free scalable. The file size 
is small using text compression and the loading time is short. 
SVG is a kind of XML and is based on pure ASCII files. These 
files can be built dynamically with PHP and be embedded in the 
Web application. Hereby the spatial data are stored in the open 
standard GML (Geographic Markup Language) in the MySQL 
database and visualised depending upon interaction. The 
principle of the open SVG map server according to 
www.carto.net is used. 
For the computation of statistical measures the language R is 
used. R is a development of the University of Auckland and a 
computer language for statistic analyses. R can be merged into 
different application packages. Via the CGI interface of the 
Web server the functions can be called dynamically, R can 
access the data in ‘the database directly. For our local 
applications the combination of MySQL/PHP and SVG was 
suitable and the performance was satisfying. 
In the future employment the developed software components 
are merged with the respective teach and learning platforms of 
the university e.g. WebCT, Ilias, Blackboard, or stud.IP. The 
learning-platform offers the basic functionalities such as user 
administration and communication tools. 
2.2 Target, content and data set in the learning module 
The target of the learning unit is to learn about spatial 
visualisation and spatial analysis with respect to population 
statistics. Subject of population statistics is to apply statistical 
methods and procedures for the numerical collection, 
representation, analysis and interpretation of the development 
on population in a special region. Statisticians know that 
diagrams of statistical or calculated data are easier to interpret. 
With increasing number of data sets graphical visualisations are 
also easier to be interpreted than tables. Particularly for the 
representation of spatial distributions of the population map 
techniques are very helpful, because spatial conditions and 
relations can be better recognized. 
National and federal offices for statistic data supply official 
population data on different aggregation stages. The smallest 
administrative unit, on which the information is published, is 
the municipality. A lot of characteristic data are raised annually 
on the municipality level at statistical offices. In this teaching 
material comparatively the population existence Mecklenburg- 
Western Pomerania are graphically represented for the time 
stamp 31.12.1990 and 31.12.2000. These data were published 
by the statistic national office in the year 2001. In 
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania there were altogether 1203 
administrative districts (municipalities, districts, urban areas 
and country) in the year 2000. Thus the table generated from 
that data set with the appropriate population information has 
over 1200 lines and according to the acquired population 
characteristics many columns. It is very hardly readable. The 
following table shows a cut-out of these data from 
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the reference to the 
population numbers. Each municipality represents a regional 
date with its attributes. Each municipality has its specific size, 
to which the values refer. 
Gemeinde- Bevstd. Bevsid: Bevstd. 
2096 60 
Table 1: Table excerpt - official statistic data of Mecklenburg- 
Western Pomerania 
2.3 Asession with the learning module 
At the beginning of the learning unit the student tries to conquer 
the data set with the acquired statistic knowledge from 
preceding chapters. For instance questions such as "find the 
largest and smallest municipality, municipality with the highest, 
middle and lowest total population" can easily be answered by 
using statistical measures such as span width, average value etc. 
The student can compute also new data e.g. the population 
density as a quotient from population conditions to the surface 
size of the administrative unit. Thereby the scholar learns to 
differentiate between absolute (e.g. population conditions) and 
relative values (e.g. population density). He may compare the 
results of different municipalities. As long as these are 
identified with their names, the student has no problems, 
particularly if he has a certain local knowledge in that region. 
But the scholar will recognize that it is not easy to find patterns 
on spatial distributions in these data. 
For each municipality and/or each district in the table the 
geometric borders are stored. This is now linked to the attribute 
data of the municipality and/or the district making use of the 
primary key, the name of the municipality. The polygons are 
individual geometries associated to the appropriate data record. 
In the following lesson the student sees the spatial allocation of 
the municipalities in the country Mecklenburg-Western 
Pomerania. For the first time the scholar makes himself familiar 
with different types of representation. Absolute values are 
applied for entities like the population existence to the surfaces 
to a map. Relative values are used, if statistic proportionality 
factors have to be shown such as per cent or values relative to 
an uniform base factor (e.g. habitant/km?). For absolute value 
representations signatures for point or area elements may be 
used, which possess qualitative and quantitative attributes. The 
signatures are represented at standard positions related to the 
unit of the area. In order to represent several values in the 
comparison, one uses diagrams. The values are represented in 
addition in different scale, so that the values are recognizable 
despite different dimensions (e.g. one point per 1000 person). 

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