Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

J. Avila®, T.M. Sausen® 
*ISPRS - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing — Technical Commission VI 
Ministério da Ciéncia e Tecnologia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 
Coordenadoria de Ensino, Documentaçäo e Programas Especiais 
Av. dos Astronautas 1758, P.O.Box. 515 CEP 12245-970 
Säo José dos Campos, Säo Paulo State, Brasil. 
Telephone: +55 12 3945.6864/3945.6862 Fax: +55 12 3945.6870 
Email: {avila, tania} @ltid.inpe.br) 
Website: http://www.inpe.br/unidades/cep/atividadescep/cursointernacional 
Commission VI, Working Group VI/1 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, GIS, Education, Research, Training. 
The objective of this paper is to present an assessment of the sixteen years of the International Course on Remote Sensing and 
Geographic Information Systems organized by the National Institute for Space Research (/NPE) since 1985 and to establish new 
goals and policies that will certainly improve its quality. It is held in collaboration with the UN/OOSA, the UNU and a Brazilian 
funding agency, the CNPq. Primarily dedicated to professionals from Latin America, Caribbean and Africa, later on to professionals 
from the Latin America and Caribbean countries. In 2003 the International Course began to be coordinated by the Brazil Campus of 
the Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in the Latin America and Caribbean, in partnership with /NPE, 
CNPq and UNU, it was renamed to International Course on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, and its 
curriculum adapted to nine months long. 
The National Institute for Space Research (INPE) to attend a 
requesting of the UN/Office for Outer Space Affairs created the 
International Course on Remote Sensing in 1985. 
It was a seven months long specialization course from 1985 to 
2002, dedicated to professionals of natural resources area 
interested in working with remote sensing. 
This course was held in collaboration with the UN/OOSA, the 
University of United Nations (UNU), the European Space 
Agency (ESA), and two Brazilian funding agencies, the CAPES 
and the CNPq. 
Primarily it was dedicated to professionals from Latin America, 
Caribbean and Africa, later on to professionals from the Latin 
America and Caribbean countries. 
In 1995, the UN/OOSA decided to establish Regional Centres 
for Space Science and Technology Education in the Latin 
America and Caribbean (Brazil and Mexico), Africa (Nigeria 
and Morocco) and Asia and Pacific region (India). 
These Centres are affiliated to the United Nations and designed 
for education programs in Space Science and Technology in 
four areas: Remote Sensing and GIS; Satellite Meteorology; 
Space Science and Atmospheric; Satellite Communication. 
The UN/OOSA has created a specific curricula for Remote 
Sensing and GIS, Satellite Meteorology, Satellite 
Communication and Space Science and Atmosphere for these 
In 2001, the Latin American and Caribbean Centre started its 
activities in their two Campi (Brazil and Mexico). The Brazil 
Campus was created in August 2002. 
In 2003, the International Course began to be coordinated by the 
Brazil Campus, in partnership with INPE, CNPq and UNU. It 
was renamed to International Course on Remote Sensing and 
Geographic Information Systems, its curriculum adapted to the 
curriculum proposed by OOSA/UN and the course was 
extended to nine months long. 
It is oriented on the training of the uses of systems and 
techniques of images interpretation of orbital remote sensors 
and geographical information systems for the management of 
natural resources and environmental control. This objective has 
been achieved through the following programme modules: 
e Introductory Disciplines: Their objective is to give 
fundamental information for the course development 
and for the group, such as The Brazilian Space 
program, INPE Space Activities, an Overview about 
Brazil, Space Law; 
e Fundamental Disciplines: Their objective is to 
provide knowledge about the fundamentals of remote 
sensing, sensors systems and images characteristics; 
e Technical Disciplines: Their objective is to develop a 
set of technical skills related to image interpretation, 
digital images processing, GIS, cartography and GPS; 
e Complementary Activities: Seminars and lectures 
about remote sensing and geographic information 
systems applied to the natural resources. Technical 
visits to institutions involved with remote sensing, 
GIS and GPS activities. Likewise, to take notice on 

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