Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
necessary. Due to strong correlations between some of the 
calibration parameters and exterior orientation elements, the 
block layout should consist of two flight lines forming a cross, 
each line flown twice in bi-directional flight directions. In 
principle, such pattern is sufficient to estimate all parameters 
(even without additional ground control) except of the focal 
length distance. To estimate this parameter, the knowledge of a 
scaling factor is necessary, which can be obtained from 
introduction of ground control. Alternatively the same 
calibration block could be flown within a different flying height 
resulting in two different image scales. Since both blocks are 
connected via tie points, such block layout not only allows for 
calibration without any ground control but also has advantages 
in terms of stronger block geometry, which results in very 
reliable estimations of calibration parameters. Hence this double 
cross block layout is the recommended pattern for calibration 
Practical tests have shown, that based on this self-calibration 
procedure an accuracy of 2.5-2.91um is obtained for all ADS40 
systems, which is the accuracy potential to be expected from the 
automatic tie point matching quality. Since the additional 6" 
order polynomials are non fully integrated in the bundle 
adjustment (status 2003) the final self-calibration parameters are 
obtained from 4-6 iteration steps. It is worth to mention, that 
starting from the values obtained from lab calibration, only one 
single iteration step can be saved. From this background first 
trends are visible to obtain ADS40 camera calibration 
parameters from self-calibration exclusively. Potentially, 
ADS40 lab calibration will totally set away in future. 
The calibration results are documented in a 5 pages long 
calibration certificate. Within this document the tested 
individual system components are given and the layout of the 
calibration flight with tie points is depicted. The calibrated 
misalignment angles are given, the results of geometrical 
calibration (i.e. calibrated x/y coordinates of all pixels of all 
sensor lines) are not mentioned explicitly — they are attached 
separately in a digital file, which belongs to the certificate. 
Although this report on the today's status of digital airborne 
camera calibration is only on its first preliminary stage, these 
comments will be the base of a more detailed report, which will 
be published within the next months as result of the first phase 
of the the EuroSDR project on “Digital Camera Calibration”. 
This Phase 1 final report is open to all persons interested in the 
different methods of digital camera calibration. 
Although only the geometrical calibration of three airborne 
systems was described in more detail in this paper, some general 
trends are clearly visible: 
- System driven calibration approaches are gaining in 
importance due to the complexity of digital sensor systems 
consisting of several sub-components. 
— A decrease of importance of lab calibration seems to be 
visible, whereas the importance of in situ calibration (i.e. 
self-calibration based on distinct calibration flights) is 
definitely increasing. 
- The acceptance of such combined lab and in situ 
calibration might be low from today's point of view and 
has to be increased. This fact is caused from some 
knowledge deficits on the users side, especially when 
focussing on the full system calibration based on in situ 
calibration techniques, which are not as common in the 
traditional airborne photogrammetry field. With their 
increased future use such methods will be accepted as 
powerful and efficient tool for overall systems calibration. 
All these aspects will be covered and discussed in more detail in 
the ongoing project. Hence anyone being interested in these 
topics is cordially invited to actively participate in the EuroSDR 
network. All relevant information are available from the project 
WWW side http:/www.ifp.uni-stuttgart.de/eurosdr/ . 
The author would like to thank all experts providing material 
for compiling this paper. The continuous support of the 
EuroSDR core group members is gratefully acknowledged, 
where the advice of Prof. Eberhard Gülch should be highlighted 
especially. Finally, deepest thanks is expressed to Prof. Gordon 
Petrie for his competent and detailed contributions to system 
and calibration topics. 
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analog and digital airborne sensors at LH Systems, ASPRS 
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Zeitler, W. & Dorstel, C. (2002): Geometric calibration of the 
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Denver, available on CD, 6 pages. 

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