Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

H. Ziemann, D. Grohmann 
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, POB 2215, 06818 Dessau, Germany 
(hziemann, grohmann)@vw.hs-anhalt.de 
Commission TS SS 13 “From OEEPE to EuroSDP: Fifty Years of European Spatial Data Research and Beyond” 
KEY WORDS: Comparison, Digital, Analog, Camera, Performance 
A number of digital cameras have been developed for photogrammetric applications. First results indicate performance parameters 
superior to those of conventional film cameras. The project is designed to yield performance parameters such as positional and 
elevation accuracy and geometric and radiometric resolution using images taken over the same area for a wide-angle film camera 
several digital cameras and thereby provide for potential purchasers of digital cameras information needed to plan aerial photo- 
graphic missions. The mission planning is motivated by an economical aspect: the same swath width is to be used with each camera; 
it has been chosen such that the largest possible scale will be obtained for the ADS40. It is planned to also place ground targets for 
evaluating geometric and radiometric image quality and to establish a small calibration area for the control of GPS/INS equipment If 
successful the project results will provide data useful for planning projects to be flown with digital cameras and experiences useful in 
efforts to develop camera calibration and validation procedures. 
Ein EuroSDR-Projekt mit dem Ziel, in der Anwendung digitaler Luftbildkameras Erfahrungen auch im Vergleich zur Verwendung 
herkómmlicher Filmkameras zu gewinnen, wird vorgestellt. Erláutert werden die Projektziele, die für das Projekt in Erwägung 
gezogenen Aufnahmesysteme, das gewühlte Projektgebiet mit einer Begründung seiner Wahl und die gewühlten Projektparameter. 
Eine erfolgreiche Projektdurchführung sollte Erfahrungen für die Planung zukünftiger Projekte, die mit digitalen Kameras ausgeführt 
werden, und für Bemühungen zur Entwicklung von Kalibrier- und Validierungsverfahren liefern. 
The projects aims at a comprehensive test of modern digital 
1. INTRODUCTION photogrammetric data acquisition and evaluation techniques in 
comparison to the use of aerial photographs and, if realizable, 
This paper presents a description of a EuroSDR project with LIDAR data, INSAR data and high-resolution space data, to 
objectives, description of the systems to be used, project area obtain reference data such as achievable accuracies for different 
and intended project parameters and their derivation. EuroSDR photogrammetric processes such as aerotriangulation, DTM 
is a research platform for national mapping agencies, academic derivation and orthophoto-mosaic production in regard to the 
institutes, the private sector, industry and other groups con- planning of data acquisition missions. The project also aims at 
cerned with European spatial data infrastructures vital to sus- the development of image evaluation parameters which can be 
tainable spatial planning and development. It was established in derived from image data without the use of ground targets: 
1953, in accordance with the recommendation passed by the however, the use of ground targets is planned for the project. 
Council of the Organisation for European Economic Co-opera- Such parameters are desirable for the characterization of the 
tion, as the European Organization for Experimental Photo- micro-image structure (e.g. resolving power or transfer func- 
grammetric Research (OEEPE). EuroSDR activities are organ- tions derived from edge analysis), for a radiometric evaluation 
ized through commissions which propose projects; a steering (e.g. linear sensor response to all reflectances within the subject 
committee consisting of two delegates from each of the eight- range, the relationship between subject range and exposure 
cen member countries — one from the national mapping agency range, automatic exposure metering) and for colour rendition 
and one from an educational/research institute — together with (e.g. derivation of true-colour images from the partial images 
representatives from the private sector and geographical info- under consideration of the spectral characteristics of the 
rmation user groups oversees all activities. The paper reports on sensors, the illuminating light and the Rayleigh scattering in the 
the project "Test for digital aerial cameras - Performance of atmosphere). 
hardware and software" of Commission 3 (Production systems 
and processes) and includes references to the project "Digital 
aerial camera calibration" of Commission 1 (Sensors, primary 3. DIGITAL AIRBORNE SENSORS 
data acquisition and referencing). 
Digital sensors today are usually based on CCD arrays and fall 
into two categories; frame sensors using square or rectangular 

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