Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

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J.Haig, M.Wiggenhagen, C.Heipke 
Institute of Photogrammetry and Geolnformation, University of Hannover, 
Nienburger Str. 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany 
(haig, wiggenhagen, heipke)@ipi.uni-hannover.de 
Working Group V1/2-4 
KEYWORDS: Internet/Web, Photogrammetry, Learning, Education, Teaching 
The World Wide Web is changing the way we teach and the way we are able to convey and access information. Breaking down 
complex photogrammetric and image analysis concepts can often be difficult on a static page of a book and it is impossible for 
students to capture animations as they sit in a lecture. The Internet offers a stage on which animations can be built, viewed easily by 
many, and replayed as often as the user requires. On the other hand, most conventional institutions already have well established 
courses. Integrating eLearning technologies into these courses is important to increase accessibility but it is also important to many 
that the way a course is taught is not radically altered. The Institute of Photogrammetry and Geolnformation (IPI) from the 
University of Hannover is currently, as part of the eLearning Academic Network (ELAN) Niedersachsen Project, building web 
courses to fit into a number of their already existing courses. 
IPI is developing three courses, keeping the lecture structure unchanged and implementing new technologies into the course 
material. The lectures remain in class and students are able to access course material and information from wherever they may be 
and whenever they wish to. The Web-based information is produced in English although the courses remain taught in German for the 
moment. By presenting the course information in English it increases the global awareness and language abilities of the students, and 
makes it an excellent resource for other students around the world to also come to and learn from. 
Presented in this paper is the method by which IPI is constructing the information on the Internet, how it has been integrated into the 
courses, the technologies used and tested in the project and a look towards future work. 
eLearning is currently a buzzword. Jumping on the eLearning There has been a lot of related work written and carried out in 
bandwagon however, does not actually mean taking control of the general area of eLearning and slowly more and more 
the wagon and using it to go firstly, in the right direction, and projects are being carried out in photogrammetric and remote 
secondly using it to achieve an end goal. The Institute of sensing areas. À lot of the projects that already exist, however, 
Photogrammetry and Geolnformation (IPT) from the University are more orientated towards Geographic Information Systems 
of Hannover is currently, through a number of eLearning and do not specifically tackle the problems which surround 
projects, investigating how eLearning can be used and eLearning in photogrammetry and remote sensing. The related 
integrated within already existing and taught courses to aid both work can be essentially divided into two distinct areas: those 
the students and the lecturers in making the learning experience which focus on practical production of educational materail, of 
which a number of very good projects currently exist; eg. 
Weippert and Fritsch, 2002, and those which look in a more 
The biggest question is; what is the right direction to take an didactical way at the problems encountered by eLearning. 
eLearning course? The correct direction or method for one 
student or institute is not necessarily the correct direction for A lot of the related work looks at how eLearning can be 
another student or institute. Finding these direction options is developed in almost completely new courses where a lot of 
flexibility exists in course structure and content. Being fairly 
fixed in the course structure adds an extra challenge. However, 
RoBling ef al. (2002) suggest certain elements are important to 
more effective and enjoyable. 
just as important as the creation and design of the course. 
IPI is adopting a technique whereby multiple sources of 
information are being created and developed. Alongside long remember when constructing eLearning courses be they from 
standing traditional lectures, materials such as multimedia scratch or using an already existing framework. They suggest 
content, interactive references, webpages, new learning that many online materials suffer from two common drawbacks: 
being developed. This method of the lack of learner-centric designs and display disparities 
between authors. The first of these problems can be particularly 
acute, whereby the online learning path will often only exist in 
one of two extremes: statically fixed or nearly absent. Lecture 
through the course to educate the students in elearning slides are an example of statically fixed learning paths 
techniques whereby it becomes more widely accepted and restricted to essentially only forwards and backwards 
useable in other environments (Schiewe, 2003). navigation. Unstructured HTML pages offer the other extreme 
material and practicals are 
combined learning, often referred to as blended learning, offers 
multiple possibilities for students to learn and this flexibility of 
learning fits many different learning techniques. TPI also hopes 

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