Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
and : Image Aquisition and. ” Low-pass filtering (1) 
s TTT : [print | [fo | [update Table of Contents | [Tableof Contents | 41 |» ; 
Course Room Image Restoration 
Noise in images is of high frequency. 
»> Reduction through Low-pass 
Transfer function: 
Creed ae gant SE 
fuction yileds a low-pass filter 
NG NINS Or Pad domain. or by 
domain. Castieman 1996. 
Rectangiiat Mask In Original Gaussian Low-pass Filter 
ces Figure 2. The Hyperwave ® Learning Platform 
cas, media such as Portable Document Format (pdf), word 5. WORK IN PROGRESS 
are documents (doc), HTML and streaming media in the form of 
Flash and movies such as AVIs or MPEGs. This means IPI still has work to do to produce the finished courses, 
flexibility in how the learning content can be presented and however elements of the courses are finished, such as the 
ing who can write the learning content. Most of the students learn interactive lecture slides and elements of a more detailed 
| io within the university, however the learn content is being lecture script. Some of these elements are already being 
ical developed to not be too bandwidth hungry. Some larger implemented in the courses and being used fairly intensively by 
key elements are unavoidable and where a good quality, digital, the students in their preparation for their exams. The ability to 
The multimedia lecture archive is desired, and the material is not to slowly introduce elements enables us to see how they are 
age end up being a “peep show” like view (Mühlhäuser, 2002), then received and make changes to their content and appearance. 
its a larger bandwidth is required. This is an area in which new Had IPI decided to go away from the lecture based approach 
still media such as DVDs or CDs can be used,. and only use electronic material then there would be very little 
ser- chance to receive feedback and monitor progress and thus make 
A One element of the courses which was felt to be particularly the important changes. Our aim is to try and understand how 
r to important was the construction of a scientific dictionary from future engineers or photogrammetrists learn; it may be very 
| of English to German. A large proportion of the students who will different to how an artist or a linguist learns and that in turn 
ns. study the courses are German it was felt beneficial for the may be very different to how a geographer learns. The way in 
SO students to be introduced to the English scientific words and which the student learns is dependant on a number of variables, 
terms. type of content being one of these. We are trying to establish 
some of the other variables and build our content upon this 
Another element which was felt to be important was the basis in an attempt to help the student learn. 
construction of course tests (figure 3) so the students are able to ; 
monitor their progress in the course and find the areas of their There is not only still work to do on the development of the 
ble knowledge which require more work. This has been achieved courses but also on the acceptance of eLearning by both 
ed. through the uses of the Hot Potatoes™ software package from students and lecturers alike. So long as eLearning remains on a 
her Half-Baked Software. The software is free for use by “nice to have" and not a "need to have" basis then it will 
tus individuals or educational institutions which are non-profit continue to be overlooked (Glowalla, 2004). Current techniques 
ind making; on the condition that the material produced using the work but if we continue to develop things such as aircraft, 
uld program is freely available to anyone via the WWW. This which in principle already work, to fly further, be larger and 
ble means currently that the tests sit outside of the Hyperwave ® more comfortable, why not develop learning techniques to 
the Learning Platform but will hopefully be incorporated in the accommodate different learning methods and styles and by so 
the near future. The software enables the course/test author to doing open up the learning experience to other learners. 
ind develop a number of questions and place them in a local 
in. database. The questions can then be selected randomly so that The next phase is the further development of the existing three 
vas each user will receive different questions, or question courses, applying the feedback received from the students who 
ion sequences. have used elements of the course this year. Together with the 
® initial three courses a further three courses are to be developed 

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