Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
maps and spatial data. In case of allocating proper budget to 
this project, it is planned to finish the production phase of 
theses data within 5 years. Obviously the updating process 
has to be started during this period. 
3.3 Image Maps and Digital Elevation Models 
In the past, photo maps were produced using conventional 
aerial photography and analogue photo rectification techniques 
in a limited number in NCC. During the last few years, there 
has been a revolutionary increase in demand for different types 
of image maps in Iran, thanks to accessibility if high resolution 
remotely sensed data, proper software systems and very fast 
During last year, 20 large and medium scale image mapping 
project have been performed by NCC which shows a growth 
rate of 4 proportional to the year 2002. It is planned to develop 
the role of private sector in image map production by increasing 
the users request for these products. 
In order to promote remote sensing activities in Iran, NCC 
decided to facilitate accessibility of users to geo-referenced and 
geometrically corrected image data. For this purpose a pilot 
project was executed with a full coverage of Landsat ETM" 
imageries for whole country which goes through a rectification 
process using 1:25000 base maps and 10m DEM of Iran. The 
final product of this project will be presented as ortho-rectified 
14m PAN and 28.5m multispectral satellite imageries in a block 
wise manner. Note that the country has been divided to about 
132 blocks with dimension of 1.5 degree in longitude and | 
degree in latitude. This product can also be used as background 
of 1:250000 scale maps of Iran. By now, 40 percent of this 
project has been finished. 
Digital Elevation Model is another key element of every image 
mapping and remote sensing activity. In response to this need, 
in 1997, NCC has produced and presented a DEM of entire 
country with resolution of 25 arc second. The source data for 
this product was digitized 1:250000 paper maps. Another DEM 
data with 100m resolution was created in 2000 by Iranian 
Remote Sensing Center using the same data source. 
In 2001, NCC decided to produce a national DEM from 
1:25000 base map series with 10m resolution. At present, 60 
percent of the country is covered by these DEM data with 
height accuracy of better than 6 meter. 
3.4 Cadastral Activities 
In 1995, due to lack of a comprehensive and effective cadastral 
system, the government decided to execute a cadastral project 
under supervision of land registration office of Iranian 
judiciary. The planned cadastral system was based on cadastral 
maps with scale of 1:500 to 1:1000 for urban areas and 1:1000 
to 1:2000 for rural arcas. As mentioned before, in order to 
increase the speed of this project, an agreement has been made 
to use the 1:2000 digital maps of cities in combination with 
additional field works for this purpose. 
Beside this national project, a number of rural cadastral projects 
are carrying on every year by private companies according to 
different contracts. One of the biggest cadastral projects in this 
group was executed during last two years in response to request 
of Gilan provincial water authorities in northern Iran. For the 
first time in the country, a combination of topographic maps, 
orthorectified images as base data and extensive field work 
were used in order to perform a cadastral project. This project 
covers an area of 1000 km? and costs about 1.4 million US 
4.1 Data Production Policy 
Until recent years, the only comprehensive program for map 
and spatial data production in the country was limited to 
1:25000 base maps and associated data bases. In this 
atmosphere, the situation of private sector could not be so good 
since their customers were a limited number of governmental 
constructive project owners. Lots of efforts have been made 
during these years to introduce capabilities of digital maps and 
geographic information systems to actual and potential users 
with this idea that the interaction with user community implies 
that they should determine the usefulness of the data and 
system. These efforts resulted in establishment National 
Council of GIS users by NCC to collect their needs and to 
interact with them. Preparation of the above mentioned strategic 
plan and approval of national mapping projects such as 
completion and updating large scale digital maps of cities with 
an estimation of 50 million US dollar cost can be considered as 
results of these activities. 
These medium term plans for mapping with direct support of 
the government culminated in a rapid development of private 
sectors and we witness increasing amount of governmental 
contract with private companies during the recent years. The 
following table shows the number and amount of 
photogrammetric digital mapping contracts with private 
companies during the past four years: 
Year Number of Contracts Total Amount in US$ 
2000 53 1 100 000 
2001 77 1 980 000 
2002 105 3 750 000 
2003 145 5 330 000 
4.2 Photogrammetric Digital Mapping Systems 
Digital map production has been started in Iran since 1995 by 
upgrading analogue stereo plotters of NCC and the upgrading 
program was so successful that within less than 5 years, all the 
photogrammetric systems in the country were upgraded. 
Nowadays, the number of digital photogrammetric workstations 
in the country have increasingly grew so that reported sold 
systems of Iranian Paradyes'" photogrammetric workstation 
passed the number of 200. Note that just 25 of these systems are 
installed in NCC. 
In order to show the acceptance of digital photogrammetric 
systems in the country, the number of scanned aerial 
photographs can be considered as another measure. The 
following table shows this figure during the period of 2000 to 
Year Number of Scanned Photos 
2000 8300 
2001 12800 
2002 21200 
2003 33000 

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