International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004
Department of Electronics and Information (DEI) of the
Politecnico of Milan
The Permanent Scatterrers Technique (PST) applied to ERS
SAR data for monitoring ground deformation has become fully
operational. Ground deformation monitoring by means of the
PST is now offered as a service through Telerilevamento
Europa (T.R.E.) base in Milan.
Ground based parasitic SAR studies are currently in progress at
POLIMI. A second prototypal receiving station has been
completed. It consists of two synchronized satellite digital TV
receivers that cross-correlate the direct TV signal with that
backscattered by the terrain. The system will generate X-band
SAR images of the observed area every 12 hours. They will be
exploited to analyse X-band backscattering and interferometric
possibilities, in order to evaluate atmospheric effects and the
availability of PS.
CNR-IBIMET, Institute of Bio-meteorology, Florence
The institute is active in several fields of environmental
monitoring, and particularly in the evaluation of the effects of
climate changes on natural and artificially controlled
ecosystems. The remote sensing sector mainly deals with the
integration of conventional and remote sensing data within a
modelling approach for estimating and monitoring vegetation
processes. Specific efforts are presently devoted in order to
operationally evaluate the main bio-geo-chemical fluxes
through vegetated surfaces whose knowledge is essential for the
correct management of environmental resources at both local
and global scales.
CNR- Earth Observation Dept. Institute of Applied Physics
(IFAc), Florence
Several activities were carried out during 2003 at IFAc, mainly
within the framework of the ENVISAT projects.
Atmosphere: The processor for the near real time level 2
analysis of the MIPAS instrument, operating on the ENVISAT
satellite, was successfully implemented and for the first time
global maps of atmospheric temperature and composition are
daily acquired in a tri-dimensional field (latitude, longitude and
Microwave activity: Experiments on snow with microwave
sensors (radiometers and SAR), within the framework of both
Envisnow and ASI projects, were concluded in summer 2003.
Snow parameters were measured and used as inputs in
hydrological ^ models. Soil moisture mapping from
multitemporal ENVISAT images for the monitoring of areas at
risk of flooding (EC Floodman project).
lonospheric activity: Total Electron Content (TEC) and electron
density determinations (tomography) from: 1- measurements by
a chain of four NIMS receivers, 2-Analysis of downloaded GPS
data; 3- downloaded occultation and ionosonde data.
Investigation and modelling of ionospheric scintillation
Lidar: reconstruction of 3-D fluorescence images of
phytoplanktonic cells carried out by using fluorescence
microscopy. Participation in the EC SERQUA regional project
for the use of different remote sensing instruments devoted to
the monitoring of air and water quality in industrial sites.
IPRS Image Processing and Pattern Recognition for Remote
Sensing Laboratory. University of Genoa
The Laboratory is involved in the development of image
analysis and pattern recognition methodologies for several
applications related to the EO. The activity of this year has been
focused mainly on the following methodologies applied in
particular to natural disaster management and environmental
monitoring: Multi-temporal classification and partially
supervised and unsupervised analysis for change detection;
Supervised classification with unknown classes based on
Support Vector Machines (SVM) for non-parametric probability
density function estimation; hierarchical clustering and hybrid
supervised/unsupervised classification; texture analysis in high
spatial resolution images; feature reduction, Expectation-
Maximization, use of semi-labelled samples for hyperspectral
data analysis. In addition we have considered: water quality
analysis from hyperspectral images, coastline extraction from
satellite SAR images based on the fusion of intensity and
coherence information extracted from an interferometric couple.
An adequate knowledge of available natural resources is a basic
step before any rural development initiative. Problems very
often arise in developing countries, due to lack or inadequacy of
environmental information. ‘Geomatics’ is a modern scientific
term referring to the integrated approach of collection, analysis,
and management of Earth-based data. Such data can come from
many sources, including earth observation satellites, airborne
sensors and ground observations. In this context, Remote
Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are
outstanding data collection and management tools.
In this context The Istituto Agronomico per I’Oltremare (IAO —
Florence) has organised and managed training activities for
Developing Countries by means of the Professional Master on
“Geomatics and natural resources evaluation”.
The IAO approach is based upon a pragmatic and
interdisciplinary integration of field survey and remote sensing,
both aerial photographs and satellite imagery, by mean of GIS
techniques, in varying proportions according to the scale of the
study. The aim of the Course is to provide participants, having
different academic qualifications, with a common background
on Remote Sensing data processing and interpretation as well as
on GIS set up and use, in order to carry out natural resources
inventories and their evaluation, with special emphasis on the
rural sector in developing countries.
The Course is divided into two basic modules: the first one is a
series of lectures and seminars, followed by practical exercises.
Topics covers fundamentals of Remote Sensing, GIS and
related disciplines, as well as Remote Sensing applications in
various environmental fields. Visits to government departments
and private companies are also included. The second module is
a complete case study including one month of fieldwork in a
developing country. Previous case studies have been set in
Tunisia, Morocco, Eritrea, Bolivia and Senegal.
In the past IAO has developed several bi-lateral development
co-operation projects and contracts with international agencies.
The most important concern with the Africover project. IAO has
carried out the final phase of the building of the digital land
cover database for the Democratic Republic of Congo
(1:200,000), now available on line at the following address:
Bi-lateral development co-operation projects include:
» Training project on Natural Resources Management
and Food Security in the Sahel (in collaboration with
the Agrhymet Regional Centre),
> Strengthening the Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE)
in Dakar-Senegal for the production and management
of information on natural and environmental
Multilateral and multi-bilateral initiatives
» FAO project "Soil and Water Conservation in the
Governorates of Kairouan, Siliana and Zaghouan"
(GCP/TUN/028/ITA) in Tunisia, IAO is assisting the
Regional Centres for Agricultural Development