International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004
4.4 GIS
People pay more and more attention to GIS application in
China, and many successful GIS application templates have
been established and operational. Some applications are
showed as follows:
€ GIS provides the necessary technology platform for the
digitization and integration of the digital mapping and
publishing. We have established a lot of multi-level basic
map databases and many kinds of thematic map databases
based on GIS;
GIS plays a very important role in Digital River and
Digital City in China that are as parts of Digital China. In
Digital River, Digital Yellow River Project is
representative; in Digital City, there are more than 100
cities that bring the digital city project into their strategic
plan at present or in the near future in China.
A great variety of GIS systems have been developing or
developed, for instance, city plan and management
information systems, environment protecting information
systems, intelligent traffic management systems, oceanic
information and disaster and
systems, prediction
emergency information systems, etc.
5.1 Education
In Aug. 2000, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and
Mapping merged into Wuhan University and Zhengzhou
College of Surveying and Mapping into Zhengzhou University
of Information Engineering at the same time. With the
adjustment of Chinese Universities, Colleges and Schools, the
education goes into a new stage.
In the field of photogrammetry, because of the digital
photogrammetry being the absolute mainstream in China, the
“aristocratic” education mode that just belongs to a few
universities or colleges, based on photgrammetry instrument
with expensive, precision and bulky, has been broken down. At
present, more than 40 universities and colleges provide
photogrammetry courses in Surveying Engineering. Because of
its differences from Aerial Photogrammetry in contents and
characteristics, Close Range Photogrammetry has been offered
as a specialty course or selective course in some universities
and colleges. M. Sc. and doctoral degree
gree programs are also
provided in Close Range field. Their research projects are fitted
closely to the need of society and economy.
In the field of Remote Sensing, Wuhan University has offered a
new curriculum leading to a Bachelor of Science and
Engineering degree in the science and technology of remote
sensing in 4 years since 2002. The curriculum includes courses
in sensor technology, remote sensing data processing, remote
sensing data application, photogrammetry, and GIS. At present,
in order to strengthen the remote sensing education and training,
Wuhan University, teamed up with more than 10 famous
universities, apply for a new M. Sc. and Ph. D. Degree named
after the Science and Technology of Remote Sensing from the
State Council. At present, there is an integrated education
system in the field of GIS, including supplementary education,
Bachelor degree, Master degree, Doctorial degree and Post-
Doctorial education; the education is oriented to national
economy and social informatics. The Mapping Science and GIS
in Wuhan University and the Mapping Science and Geographic
Information Engineering in Zhenzhou University of
Information Engineering are the national key specialties. Other
education modes are also developed quickly, including web-
based lectures, vocational school, workshop and seminar, etc.
More and more people have opportunity to learn more about
new technologies such as digital photogrammetry, remote
sensing and GIS. There are more than 250 doctor candidates
and 650 master students each year in these fields.
5.2 Publications
New version textbooks, including the Theory and Application
of Remote Sensing, the Theory of Microwave Remote Sensing,
and the Theory of SAR Interferometry, have been used in
practice. Based on Remote Sensing researches, some new
books are published, for example, the Earth Observation
Technology and Continuous Development, SAR Satellites,
Spatial Exploration Phased Array Radar, Earth Observation and
Space Observation, Space Remote Sensing Engineering, Earth
Observation Technology and Digital City, Earth Observation
and Precision Agriculture, Multi-Angle and Thermal Earth
Environment Radar, The
Observation, Monitoring Laser
Theory and Algorithm of the MODIS Data Processing, Earth