International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004
e the initial stage for setting up the modern digital
cadastral system.
e the emergency flood recovery project for Vistula, Warta
and Odra valleys.
The projects, which are related to the establisment of the
topographic database (TBD) and the introduction of the digital
cadastral system, are coordinated by the Head Office of
Geodesy and Cartography within the KSiG concept. This office
is the only governmental (civil) institution to coordinate all
main projects in area of surveying and mapping.
The responsible organization for the establishment of the Land
Parcel Identification System (within IACS) is the Agency for
Agriculture Modernization and Restructivization, under the
Ministry of Agriculture. All these three projects require the
digital orthophotography generated in the national reference for
the entire country. However, the standards for the
orthophotography (standards I and II) differ in respect to the
various parts of Poland, because of the differences in the size of
the land parcels and in other characteristics of the terrain. The
South — East of country with small areas of land parcels
require the aerial photography at scale not smaller than 1:13
000 to produce the orthophoto in standard II with GSD of 0.25
meter and the accuracy of 0.75 m. The remaining part of
Poland require the photography at least 1:26 000 to generate
the orthophotography in Standard I with GSD of 0.50 meter
(accuracy about 1 - 1.5 m). The very high resolution satellite
imagery (VHRS), such as IKONOS , QuickBird have been also
used for the areas where the aerial photography is not efficient
or difficult because of various reasons, as for example for the
East part of Poland near the border with Russia and Ukraine.
To check how the digital orthophotos can be used for the
collection of the data on land parcels boundaries for the LPIS
and cadastral purposes, two pilot projects based on the existing
aerial photography at the above mentioned scales, for the
selected parts of terrain located in the South and the North of
Poland, were carried out by two companies (the Malopolska
Surveying and Carographic Group S.A. in Tarnow and the
Regional Enterprise for Surveying and Cartography in Olsztyn)
in 2001/2002. It has been proved that the orthophoto and
another photogrammetric data have been very useful for
verification and modernization of the existing old graphical
cadastral data, concerning land parcels in the rural areas. The
analysis of the results and the recommandations obtained from
these first experiments, have been very helpful to establish the
technical standards for the use of photogrammetric data for the
purpose of land parcels boundaries identification in respect to
the modernization of cadastral data and the needs of the LPIS -
IACS system. It has been found, that the archival aerial
photography at 1:26 000 taken within the Phare project in
1998/99 (or the existing orthophotography from these photos)
can be used only for some areas in the North — East part of
Poland (about 53 000 km”. Therefore, in 2004 the aerial
photographs at 1:26 000, based on the new technical standards,
are taken by the international and polish aerial companies for
nearly half area of the country (about 150 000 km?). The
photogrammetric compilation, such as aerial triangulation,
generation of DTM and digital ortophotography are to be
produced by various polish and foreign companies according
to the tender regulations.
In 2003, the South part of Poland (about 87 000 km?) was
already covered by the aerial photography at 1:13 000. These
photographs and the archival photos at 1:26 000 are presently
compiled by ten polish private companies; a few Regional
Enterprises for Surveying and Cartography (OPGK) and some
purely Photogrammetric firms located in various cities. The
quality control of the produced photogrammetric products
(aerial triangulation, DTM and orthophotography) is performed
by the Consorcium of the Institute of Geodesy and
Cartography, the Intergraph Poland and the OPGK - Rzeszow.
For the North — East of Poland the orthophotography is
presently compiled from the VHRS - imagery IKONOS by the
polish Techmex Company and the quality control is performed
by the OPGK Krakow and the Warsaw Surveying Enterprise
(WPG). The speed in these photogrammetric works is dictated
by the demands from the European Union to finalize the Land
Parcel Identification System of the IACS within two years
The technical standards for the National Topographic Database
(TBD) in Poland consider the high involvement of
photogrammetric technologies to feed data to three layers; the
digital orthophoto layer (OFM), the Digital Elevation Model
layer (NMT) and topographic objects — TOPO layer (ROT).
This database is considered to have the accuracy and content of
1:10 000 map and to include 17 000 modules (with three layers)
for the entire country. Because of huge amount of data to be
involved, the TBD will be established first for the urban areas.
In pilot projects which have been accomplished for three areas
with various types of terrain configuration, three blocks of
total 470 photographs at scale 1:26 000 (taken within Phare
1995/98 flight project), were used. The photogrammetric
compilation was carried out in the Warsaw Surveying
Enterprise (WPG) with the use of the automatic and semi —
automatic modules of Z/I Image Station system. The results of
these projects proved the usefulnes of the photographs at 1: 26
000 for acquiring the data required in all three layers (OFM,
NMT, ROT) in respect to the considered accuracy and the
content as well. Therefore, the same aerial photographs which
are to be taken for the land parcel identification can be used for
creation or updating of the topographic database. Presently, the
futher studies are carried out on one of the pilot area (Kujawsko
— Pomorski) to integrate and organize all the data in the three
layers and check the possibilities of their use to various
applications. The study is presently also carried out in a few
research projects to check how the high resolution satellite
imagery can satisfy the requirements of TBD.
The fourth key project is concerned with the use of digital
photogrammetric methods for forecasting of the rivers floods
within the Emergency Flood Recovery project for the valleys of
the main rivers in Poland, Vistula, Warta and Odra (area about
20 000 km? equivalent to 1747 map sheets at 1:10 000). The
overall objective of this project is to reconstruct the
infrastructure in urban and rural areas afflicted with the flood of
'97 as well as to reduce treats and risk of potential floods in the
future. One of the components of the project is the flood
protection and risk reduction which is under responsibility of
the Regional Water Development Authority, Krakow. The
photogrammetric products, together with the existing
cartographic data to be required for the analysis of the floods,
are the DTM with the accuracy of the Mz Z 0.8 meters (for
some selected features higher accuracy), the digital
orthophotomap with GSD of 1.0 meter (with RMSE not larger
than 3 pixels) and the digital topographic data base, based on
the topographic map at 1:10 000 scale, with the content directed
to the needs of flood protection and risk reduction. The
photogrammetric products are produced from the colour
photographs at 1:26 000 — taken under Phare project 1996-99
(DTM partly from photographs at scale 1:17 000) by the Join
Venture of BlumInfo A/S, Denmark, Tecsult Int. Ltd., Canada
and Institute of Geodesy and Carography, Poland (IGiK),
selected in respect to the international tender procedures. The