Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
- Cooperation with various ‘sister’ societies to exchange the 
knowledge and information concerning the topics of the 
common interest. 
- Wide involvement in the international professional activity 
of different form through many years. 
Polish specialists in photogrammetry and remote sensing have 
participated very actively in most of ISPRS Congresses, 
presenting many papers and national posters at exhibitions and 
also keeping some key positions in the past. 
In the past four years, the Polish Society of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing has been involved in the organization and 
co-organization (with the Club for Remote Sensing of Polish 
Geographical Society and Polish Society for Cartographers) of 
four national symposia and a few workshops and seminars. 
The Society has arranged the computer database with about 300 
names of Members and Associate professionals to whom all 
information concernig the activity is sent via internet. 
The supreme authority of the Polish Society of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is the General Assembly. 
The General Assembly consists of all Members of the Society, 
and cvery three years the President and, by the separate voting, 
the Council of the Society are elected. The number of the 
professionals in the Society is about 150. The PSPRS, through 
the Polish Geodetic Asscocation , is a member of the Main 
Technical Organization in Poland (NOT) , which is the 
federation of scientific and technical associations. 
Legislative basis of the professional activities of PSPRS is 
statues law, issued on 27 October 1932 (Dz. U. R. P. Nbr 94, 
poz.808) and amended on 9 June 1982. (M.P. Nr 17, poz.144). 
(2) The Polish Geographic Society (PTG) — The Club for 
Remote Sensing is active in Poland on the basis of the PTG 
Statutes. The objective of the Club is the activity in area of 
remote sensing, particularly in geographical environment 
applications. he number of Members is about 50. 
The Polish Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
has established a common consulting body with the Club for 
Remote Sensing of the Polish Geographic Society and the 
Polish Society for Cartographers to improve the cooperation. 
The two of four National Symposia in the last years, 
mentioned above, have been organized within this cooperation 
In addition, there is the Section for Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing of the Committee for Geodesy of the Polish 
Academy of Science, which is closely cooperating with the 
PSPRS in all the above areas. 
During period 2000 — 2004 about 200 scientific and technical 
papers in areas of photogrammetry and remote sensing have 
been published. The main editorial series is ‘Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Cartography and Remote Sensing’ which has 
been established due to the agreement among all the societies 
involved, in 1994. This series serve for the use by these 
organizations to publish various professional papers, also those 
which are presented during pertinent symposia and conferences 
in Poland. In addition, several doctoral thesis in fields of 
photogrammetry and remote sensing were completed and 
published. During the last four years two educational books for 
photogrammetry have been edited (compiled in Polish by J. 
Buttowt, R. Kaczynski and Z. Kurczynski, R. Preuss) which 
serve as the reference books to programmes of photogrammetry 
at various universities in Poland. 
Authors of the Report : 
Prof dr hab. Aleksandra Bujakiewicz, President of the Polish 
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (PSPRS). 
The Warsaw University of Technology, Institut of 
Photogrammetry and Cartography, Plac Politechniki 1, 00-661 
Warsaw, Poland. Phone / fax: (48 22) 629 9182. 
Email: abujakiewiczal@hotmail.com or abujak7@wp.pl 
Prof. dr hab. Jozef Jachimski, Vice President of the PSPRS, The 
University of Mining and Metallurgy, Dept. of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing Informatics, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 
Krakow, Poland. Phone: (4812) 6173826, Fax: (4812)6331791. 
Email: jjachim@uci.agh.edu.pl 
Prof. dr hab. Romuald Kaczynski, Vice President of the PSPRS. 
The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Modzelewskiego 27, 
02-679 Warsaw, Poland. Phone (4822) 329 1986, 
fax: (4822) 329 1950. Email: rom@igik.edu.pl 

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