Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
Persson, A, Holmgren, J., Sôderman, U. Detectiong and 
measuring individual trees using an airborne laser scanner. 
PERS 68:925-932. 
Reese, H., Nilsson, M., Granqvist Pahlén, T., Hagner, O., 
Joyce, S., Tingelóf, U., Egberth, M., and Olsson, H. 2002. 
Countrywide estimates of forest variables using satellite data 
and field data from the national forest inventory. Ambio 
Wallerman, J. 2003. Remote Sensing Aided Spatial Prediction 
of Forest Stem Volume. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Suecia, 
Silvestria 271. 
6.1 Organisation 
The Centre for Image Analysis (CBA) is a joint university 
entity between Uppsala University (UU) and the Swedish 
University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The main activities 
at CBA are graduate education and research. Image analysis is 
in its essence interdisciplinary, its foundations being in 
mathematics, statistics, physics, and computer science, and its 
applications — with respect to CBA — are ranging from shape 
analysis of HIV viruses to detection of coral bleaching in 
tropical seas. 
6.2 Research 
Forest inventory from air-borne sensors have been an active and 
productive research field in the SLU Forest group since its 
beginning in 1994. The aim is to make inventory from such data 
so detailed and correct that it can replace field inventories, 
except for small investigations to collect ground truth. Earlier 
work has been dedicated to development and evaluation of 
methods for extracting stand-wise forest parameters from 
CARABAS VHF SAR images. Lately, accurate segmentation 
methods for tree crowns, and species identification based on 
this segmentation, has been developed. The main goal is to be 
able to differentiate between spruce and pine. Even though they 
have the same spectral signatures, they do have, on the average, 
different shapes and internal structure. 
There has been several projects at CBA that investigates the 
possibility to use satellite data for agricultural analyses. During 
2000 and 2001 the aim of these projects, within the SLU 
agricultural group, were to develop general methods for 
automatic field segmentation in satellite images, which is 
important for mapping and for improving classification. 
Multispectral edge detection was combined with regions 
extraction and shape analysis. 
The research of the UU Aquatic Remote Sensing group is 
focused on different environmental applications of digital 
remote sensing. The present activities vary from mapping and 
monitoring of algae blooms and distribution of plumes to 
mapping and monitoring of tropical coasts and sea bottoms. 
One important area of research is our continued development of 
image analysis methods for imaging spectrometry. Much effort 
has been put into the procedures for pre-processing of remote 
sensing data and the development of bio-optical modelling for 
more operational monitoring of water quality from space. The 
long-term goal here is using satellite, together with airborne 
hyperspectral data, for algae bloom detection, eutrophication, 
and pollution in Nordic waters. One aspect of the latter we have 
worked on is detection of industrial plumes in lakes and seas. 
The aquatic group at CBA also work on the detection of coral 
bleaching from remote sensing sources. The work includes 
sensors like IRS-LISS-III, SPOT, and IKONOS. A new project 
in the group is focused on acquisition and colour correction of 
underwater multi- or hyperspectral data (e.g., colour photos). 
This can be important for many applications, such as marine 
biology and underwater archaeology. 
CBA also work theoretically on developing techniques for 
analysis of hyperspectral image data. An important aspect is 
developing linear transformations method, based on such 
transforms as the familiar PCA (Principal Component Analysis) 
and the more recent ICA (Independent Component Analysis.) 
New techniques for information extraction using neuro-fuzzy 
systems, i.e., so-called Weighted Neural Networks (WNN) are 
also being developed. 
6.3 Address 
Centre for image analysis 
Lägerhyddsvägen 3 
SE-752 37 Uppsala, Sweden 
Home page: www.cb.uu.se/index_eng.html 
6.4 Key publications 
Fransson, J.E.S.; Walter, F.; Ulander, L.M.H.; Estimation of 
forest parameters using CARABAS-II VHF SAR data . IEEE 
Trans. on  Geoscience and Remote  Sensing.- 2000 
(38): 2, pp. 720-727. 
Rydberg, A., Multispectral Image Analysis for Extraction of 
Remotely Sensed Features in Agricultural Fields . 2001. Acta 
Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae. Agraria 296. 
Óstlund. C; Flink P; Strómbeck N; Pierson D; Lindell T, 
Mapping of the water quality of Lake Erken, Sweden, from 
Imaging Spectrometry and Landsat Thematic Mapper. Science 
of the total environment. - 2001 (268):1-3 , s. 139-154. 
Ammenberg Petra, Flink Peter, Pierson Don, Lindell Tommy 
and Strómbeck Niklas, Bio-optical Modelling Combined with 
Remote Sensing to Assess Water Quality. International Journal 
of Remote Sensing. - 2002 (23) 8, s. 1621-1638. 
Brandtberg, Tomas, Individual  Tree-based Species 
Classification in High Spatial Resolution Aerial Images of 
Forests using Fuzzy Sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems.- 2002 
(132):3, 5. 371-387: 
Erikson, Mats, Segmentation of individual tree crowns in colour 
aerial photographs using region growing supported by fuzzy 
rules. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.- 2003 
(33):8, s. 1557-1563. 
Hamid Muhammed, H.; Larsolle, A., Feature Vector Based 
Analysis of Hyperspectral Crop Reflectance Data for 
Discrimination and Quantification of Fungal Disease Severity 
in Wheat. Biosystems Engineering. - 2003 (86) : 2 , s. 125-134. 
Philipson, Petra, Environmental applications of aquatic remote 
sensing. 2003. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 812. 
Ahlén Julia, Sundgren David, Bottom Reflectance Influence on 
a Color Correction Algorithm for Underwater Images. 13th 
Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2003 Góteborg, Sweden, June 
29-July 2, 2003.-Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New 

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