Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
with the 2000 forecast. 
Photogrammetry Remote 
Expanding 11 12 
Constant 3 2 
Diminishing 3 0 
Table 6.1a. Forecast of UK activities 2000-2004 
Photogrammetry Remote Other* 
Expanded [1 18 4 
Constant 8 8 0 
Diminished 2 1 2 
Table 6.1b. Actual (reported) UK activities 2000-2004 
The outlook for 2004-2008 is similar (Table 6.1c) although, 
clearly, other related areas (lidar, GPS) are beginning to feature 
more highly. Within remote sensing, the GMES initiative and 
the related GEO process have injected reasonable optimism for 
expansion of the industry along with the launch of new 
platforms and instruments. The prospects in photogrammetry 
are less well defined but will inevitably feature more lidar and 
digital camera work. In addition, the continued integration of 
remote sensing and geographical information systems was seen 
very much as a positive influence, which would be significantly 
enhanced by the increasing importance of Internet delivery. 
Photogrammetry Remote Other* 
Expanding 6 18 9 
Constant 8 3 0 
Diminishing 7 0 0 
Table 6.1c. Forecast of UK activities 2004-2008 
* [ncludes: GIS, GPS, Lidar scanning, data modelling and data 
distribution as well as sensor specific applications. 
The main sources of information on UK remote sensing and 
photogrammetry activity include: The Photogrammetric Record, 
edited by P. R. T. Newby, the International Journal of Remote 
Sensing, edited by A. P. Cracknell, and the Remote Sensing and 
Photogrammetry Society Newsletter, edited by P. Mather. 
Information about the Society and its activities can also be 
found on its WWW home page: http://www.rspsoc.org 
More information can be also be gained by visiting the websites 
of the RICS Geomatics Faculty (http://www.rics.org/geo/), the 
ICES (http://www.ices.org.uk) and RSPSoc corporate members 
htm). Useful additional information is available from relevant 
UK trade associations, which are: BARSC 
(http://www.ukspace.com/trade/barsc.htm) and the United 
Kingdom Industrial Space Committee —  UKISC, 
(http://www .ukspace.com/trade/ukisc.htm). The BNSC provides 
a variety of news, policy, education and industry information. 
The authors of the report wish to acknowledge the assistance of 
RSPSoc Corporate and Individual Members and non-members 
from Government, Industry and Academia in providing 
information to support this report. 
Kirby, R. P. and Malthus, T.J. [Listed under Newby, Paul] 
2000, The United Kingdom National Report For 
Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing 1996-. In: International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, 
The Netherlands, Vol. XXXIII, Part B6, Commission VI, 
National Reports pp.418 - 423. 
Number of Respondents 
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Figure A-1. UK Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Activity in the Period 2000 to 2004 as Reported by Respondents 

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