Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
cours ou des ateliers. Deux principes sont utilisés: des professeurs espagnols apportent des connaissances et des méthodes 
d'apprentissage de Télédétection en Amérique du Sud, et, en contre partie, des professeurs américains doivent aller en Espagne afin 
de présenter des procédures de recherche sur la Télédétection. En paralléle, un réseau d'apprentissage est développé à distance, 
proposant un accés « on-line », des CD-ROM et autres matériels, afin d'étendre le projet à d'autres pays hispanophones. L'objectif 
pour la premiére période est atteint. Plus de 800 étudiants ont déjà participé à cette initiative durant les trois derniéres années. 
Aujourd'hui un programme plus ambitieux est quasiment finalisé. L'idée est de permettre aux étudiants d'Espagne et d'Amérique 
Latine de travailler ensemble sur un méme réseau académique d'apprentissage de la Télédétection oü la langue espagnole sera le lien 
entre tous. 
Earth Observation datasets are a necesary condition to the 
provision of a large number of information services which 
provide economic benefits. 
South America is a huge region where remote sensing has a 
special interes. They are countries with a lot of resources and 
they are in a period of development. But Remote Sensing has a 
low repercution in this areas. 
Similar to the rest of the world, scenarios, estimates of 
socioeconomic impacts, quantitative statistics, trends and 
forecasts are demanded at various geographical and temporal 
scales. Quantitative assessment and control are required in 
support of industrial and commercial activities (agriculture, 
insurance, construction, tourism,...). But today, after thirty years 
since the launch of the first satellite of land resources, Earth 
Observation still remain largely an unknown tools in several 
In other hand, spacial agencies have put their focus on the 
development of space hardware and imagery rather than the 
development of services where operators and specialist could 
analize the datasets. High-level operational information services 
are needed, and not simply space data or satellite images. 
International cooperation lets an education and training project 
where the transfer of technology is possible from multiple 
focus: The aim is to bring an increase in the availability and 
utilisation of data, product and services, not only in terms of 
volume and variety, but also in the geographical spread of the 
The impulse requires that Earth Observation data, software, 
methodology reach out as far as possible (researchers, students, 
teachers, scientifics,...) giving a shift from the current 
technology-pushed to an user-oriented aproach. 
University of Salamanca in Spain, working together other 
universities in South America, wish to improve the level of 
knowledge and utilization of Remote Sensing in these 
developing countries. It is seen like a rush today, giving 
knowledge and skills, to prepare specialist in Remote Sensing 
who can carry out independent project in the future. 
2.1 Complementary Courses in Remote Sensing 
Remote Sensing and Earth Observation are an important source 
of information for Cartography, Biology, Geography, Forest, 
Agronomy, Civil Engineering and other sciences of Earth. But 
time is limited in reglated courses, and teachers sometimes have 
to omit several knowledges to focus in more important ones. 
Four years ago, several teachers from University of Salamanca 
decided to make a workshop for divulgating Remote Sensing 
between students who were interested in this area. 
So they made a course called Applied Remote Sensing where a 
theoretical and practical curriculum was involucred. 
People from goverment and academical institutions were our 
lectures giving information on Remote Sensing in several 
disciplines (Hidrology, Geology, Cartography, Environment...), 
and showing real examples where Earth Observation Satellites 
and Imagery had been used succesfully. See Table 1 for details 
of whole program. 
Introduction to Remote Sensing 
Resources of Remote Sensing on the Net 
Visual Analisis of Image in Remote Sensing 
The CORINE Program: A Land Cover map. 
Remote Sensing in Geology 
The GeoRadar and its Applications 
Evaluation of hidric parameter in rivers with Remote 
Sensing methods 
High resolution imagery applied to agricultural 
Image Map and Imagery Databases 
Integration of SIG and Remote Sensing dataset 
Review of Remote Sensing software 
Table 1. Some of the lectures taught along the course. 
Figure 1. Trainning kits for the students including Cartography, 
software demo, practical and theoretical booktexts, imagery and 
spreadsheets of the sessions. 

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