Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
In the practical skill, a hand-on tutorial was prepared to 
introduce how to use imagery dataset.. See Table 2 for details 
of whole program. 
A complemetary material was facilitated to the pupils including 
cartography, books and two CD-Roms with spreadsheets, 
electronic tutorials, demos of software, sample images,... 
(Perez, C,. 2003, Muñoz, C., 2003). See Figure |. 
Introduction to PCI Geomatica 
Importing and Exporting Data 
Basis Analysis of the Image 
Using Histograms 
How to buy and download Remote Sensing imagery 
Convolutions and Filters 
Classification Techniques and Applications 
Techniques and Aplications of Geolocation 
Advaced Analysis of Image 
Introduction to fusion of sensors 
Principal Components Analysis 
Table 2. Planning for practical curriculo. 
2.2 Summer Courses in Remote Sensing 
This first workshop was a huge success and new people started 
to be interested in it. People from our university and other 
spaniard universities were demanding this kind of courses. They 
wished a way to learn remote sensing in theorical and practical 
stuffs. This kind of workshops was not very extended in Spain 
Some months later, we decided to open our workshop to people 
from all of the universities and also to proffesional staff 
working in remote sensing areas who wanted to update their 
This new course was celebrated in the summer period to help 
people coming from other provinces. The workshop was full- 
time for a week. The planning was similar to the previous 
edition with the same lectures. A heterogeneous collection of 
students applied the workshop: biologists, mathematicans, 
physics, engineerers, agronomers,... 
These kind of courses called complementary and summer 
courses have been done for seven times. The test of quality 
showed a high satisfaction between the asistance. 
Edition Date Location 
1 February 2001 | CC Ávila 
om July 2001 SC | Salamanca 
3" November 2001 | CC | Avila 
4^ February 2002 |CC| Ávila 
5^ July 2002 SC | Salamanca 
e^ July 2003 SC | Salamanca 
Fi July 2004 SC | Salamanca 
8" (approved) | September 2004 | SC Ávila 
Table 3. Complementary Courses (CC) and Summer Courses 
(SC) incide University of Salamanca. 
3.1 Genesis of the network 
In 2002 the Agencia Espafiola de Cooperación Internacional 
(AECI) an institution depending of Foreign Affair Ministry, 
financed the collaboration project between Universidad de 
Salamanca (Spain) and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San 
Marcos (Perou). 
This project lets to teach a new workshop in the Faculty of 
Physics of Lima (Perou). The name of this new course was 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. People from Laboratory 
of Remote Sensing of this faculty, teachers and other interested 
people could apply this course with a great succesfully. 
The target of this course was teachers and reseachers in 
different areas. The aim was to divulgate remote sensing and 
photogrammetry, to do people can use this tool in their 
particular discipline and for docents can spread the knowledge 
towards universitary students. 
This peruvian course was a first glance to know what the 
situation of South America countries is in relation to Remote 
Sensing. They have a huge necesity to use remote sensing and 
they know this discipline is a good tool for them. But their 
academical status is economically low and they can not afford 
the learning of their personal. Prices of licenses for software, 
fares for imagery, specific good books or proffesional training 
courses are impossible for a high number of university, 
institutions and citizens in general. 
With this genesis, it was borned the idea to create an 
international academical network where people from Spain 
could go South America to show the state of the art in Remote 
Sensing and Photogrammetry; and specialist from South 
America could visit Spain to learn and show their improvement 
to students and reseachers in Spain. 
Since this moment, this project the collaboration between Spain 
and Perou has been in different aspects of research and 
teaching. Several papers have been summited in spanish and 
south american conventions of remote sensing (Rojas, J., 2003, 
Perez, €. 2003). 
3.2 First interchange 'go and return’ 
A new project was been done in 2003-04 period. 
Two workshops were celebrated in Perou with spanish teachers. 
In july and august 2003, the basic course of remote sensing was 
repeated, and an advanced course called Analysis of Imagery in 
Geotechnologie was created. Personnel from several geografical 
national institutes were students in both courses. 
Moreover, a collaboration into a investigation to make 
cartography of vegetation indexes in Perou was finished and the 
experience has been publicated in several reviews (Rojas, J., 
2003, Perez, C. 2003, Muiioz, A.L., 2003). 
This second year in Perou was a chance to contact with 
researchers in other countries. From Bolivia and Argentina 
there were people wishing to enter in this inter-atlantic 
cooperation. So it is a challenge to more people going into the

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