Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004 
Spain and other latin countries, and they are moving 
across different universities abroad for two weeks 
An easy and inexpensive access to this program is seen as a 
critical element. Continuity can be guaranteed because a 
community of users has expressed a suitanable demand and a 
mechanism to support new pupils and institutions. 
This program is in a initial fase yet. The labor of creation of 
multimedia contents is low and it spends a lot of time. 
Didactical and pedagogical criterions is not always linked to the 
authoring software methods. 
Four training experiences had become last years (Perez et al, 
2003), but there is a long trail to reach good results yet. 
Option One: e-Learning Program 
Pros Cons 
Easy to update the curricula No eveyone has accoss.to 
Communication in Real-time 
between teachers-students 
and student-students 
No useful for a huge volume 
of information (imagery and 
software of RS) 
Option Two: Authoring Program 
Pros Cons 
Easy to use 
Difficult to update 
Net is not necesary 
Difficult to resolve problem in 
No problem with volumen of the distance 
Option Three: Bi-modal and presential workshops 
Pros Cons 
Avoid the cons of above 
i I 
Teachers and students keep No available yett 
the touch for workshops 
Tabla 5. Pros and cons for different alternatives for 
education in the distance. 
These three years of collaboration show how the technology 
transfer is making a sinergical way in Remote Sensing and 
Photogrammetry. Three years is time enough for up to 800 
student got benefit of this collaboration . Every year, more and 
more institutions wish to join. 
This project is not only an educational project. Our 
collaborators and students are working together or 
independently researching and developing new projects: 
Indexes of vegetation, image map, temperature of soil and sea, 
thematic cartography, three-dimensional modelization... 
Future of project is optimistic. Results were good in the first 
period and a more ambicious program must be developed. New 
countries, new universities will be cooperating next years. 
References from Journals: 
Benito, R., 2001. Formación basada en web: WBT. PcWorld 
Espana, 180, pp. 255-260. 
Benito, R., 2001. Formación basada en web (Il). PcWorld 
Espana, 181, pp. 305-316. 
References from Books: 
Mufioz, A.L., Perez, C., 2003. Teledetección Aplicada: Guiones 
de prácticas. (also available in CD-Rom). 
Perez, C., Mufioz, A.L., 2003, Teledetección: Nociones v 
Aplicaciones, Los autores, Salamanca. 
Kellogg, O., Bhatnagar, V., 2002. Authorware 6. Anaya 
Multimedia, Madrid. 
References from other literature 
Mufioz, A.L., Perez, C., 2003. Didactical material for learning 
Remote Sensing. Teledetección Aplicada. (Available in CD- 
Perez et al, 2003. Diseño de un curso de Teledetección en el 
marco de las TIC. In: Teledetección y Desarrollo Regional, 
Cáceres, Spain, pp. 409-412. 
Rojas et al, 2003. La variabilidad de la vegetación en la costa 
norte de Perû a partir de las imágenes de satélite. In: 
Teledetección y Desarrollo Regional, Cáceres, Spain, pp. 27- 
References from websites: 
Anonimae, A., 1997. "E-learning: Soluciones de ELearning / 
Formación a Distancia”. http://e-learning.bankhacker.com/ 
(accessed 15 Apr. 2004). 
The authors thank Agencia Espaiola de Cooperación 
Internacional (AECI) the funds to carry out the next projects. 
PCI-EAL 2002: 'Fotogrametría y Teledetección' and PCI- 
Iberomérica 2003: ‘Fomento de la Teledeteccion en 

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