Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 6)

Ghassan A. Abdelhamid 
ordre rer ee race 
Commission PS , WG VI/1-3 
KEYWORDS: Remote Sensing, geology, mathematics, education, interpretation, processing 
Success in imagery understanding and interpretation is greatly dependant on our knowledge of the earth surface geography and 
geomorphology as well as all kinds of man-made features and activities, which has changed the nature either positively or negatively 
in considerable areas on Earth. It is quite important to know about the components of the earth surface and physico-chemical factors, 
which has controlled the development of the surface and configurations of image elements including soil/rocks, vegetation and urban 
activity. To achieve a reasonable understanding of an image or map, one should start with knowing or revising relevant scientific 
phenomena’s of chemistry, physics, geology/ geomorphology / geography, basic mathematics and statistics, maps and how to use 
computers. This introduction to basic scientific concepts will be followed by an introduction to map reading & projections, remote 
sensing, image processing, principles of imagery interpretation and an overview of imagery applications with emphasis on the 
specific field of application of each user. 
Practically oriented education of imagery users is very essential for better utilization of images and enable profitable investments in 
remote sensing technology applications. 
1.1. Motivation and aim 
From the fact that I am working as a remote sensing, image 
processing & interpretation and maps training advisor in the 
United Arab Emirates (UAE), Universal Ground Station 
(UGS), for the past five years, and because the majority of the 
technical employees are undergraduates; with high school or 
diploma certification, it was necessary to implement a practical 
& reasonable basic training program. This program is designed 
only for new employees or imagery users without any relevant 
background on remote sensing & maps. The aim is mainly to 
enhance the understanding of scientific phenomena’s related to 
remote sensing and maps with emphasis on practical issues to 
help building a reasonable imagination and understanding 
capability on how various ideas and concepts are interrelated 
and integrated, to end up with a person who can correctly read a 
map and interpret an image. 
One encouraging and success factor is that the training cell of 
the UGS is equipped with latest workstations, image processing 
& GIS software products, data projection facility and 
availability of different kinds of images parallel with qualified 
trainers. This trial program intended to simply address the 
subject first to imagery users who cares about visual 
interpretation of hardcopy prints or just investigating images on 
computer monitors, and secondly to those aiming to work as 
professional image analysts and image-map production 
specialists. The availability of images and software products in 
the UGS enabled us to correctly address the subject through 
image illustrations. 
1.2. UGS overview 
UAE was among the first countries to utilize high-resolution 
images from all available commercial sources, including 
IKONOS, SPOT, Quick Bird, Spin 2 as well as aerial 
photographs collected by reconnaissance aircrafts and 
unmanned aerial vehicles, for UAE territories and the 
surrounding countries. 
In 1999 H. H. Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chief 
of Staff of UAE Armed Forces, patronage the establishment of 
a national ground receiving station, and the UGS was 
operational in late 2000, with help of Space Imaging, the owner 
of IKONOS imaging satellite, a worldwide leading company in 
high resolution satellite imaging business. Currently the UGS 
directly receive imagery data from three satellite groups; 
During 1999 and up to October 2000, a total of 20 officers and 
soldiers were trained by Space Imaging in USA, ITC in 
Netherlands and in the Space Reconnaissance in Abu Dhabi, on 
basics of remote sensing image processing, map reading and 
image map production. Later on, trainees in small patches got 
specific training on the application products required for 
running a specific operational cell in the UGS; Satellite Tasking 
& Controller, IRS Satellite data processing, Radio Frequency 
Terminal operations, Requirement Manager, Image Analysis & 
Production and Data Base Management. 
In year 2001 few experts from Space Imaging came over to 
UGS for on the job training and some employees were sent 
abroad for specific training at operational level to keep them up 
to date with latest system upgrades. In 2002 the UGS was fully 
operated by nationals with only limited support by Space 
Imaging help-disk and trainers who look after the basic training 
and solving some system related problems. 
The training process in general consists of four principal 
elements; trainees, trainers, materials& procedures and training 
requirements. In addition, there will be an objective to achieve 
a certain level of command in the real life operational level. 
The trainee’s education level, experience and language are the 

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