International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004
In our virtual dietionary coexist two versions of each text: the
tentative, and the final, official (fig.2). Together with them,
under certain dictionary entry, there is also visible in internet all
the pertaining discussion. Of course, in the final, printed
version, in future, there will be published only final, official
version of the texts. We assume, though, that the virtual,
internet version of dictionary will never die, and all the
documentation of any text creation process will be always
accessible (not only for the historical studies of language
2.3. Editors
There are two types of dictionary editors: the responsible
editors, and editors volunteers. The editor volunteer, rather
amateur type in that activity, may work only in a team with the
responsible editor. They create various texts for the dictionary,
as a team. That team work product is introduced to dictionary as
a tentative text, and it needs verification and approval by other
authorized responsible editor. Also text prepared alone by a
responsible editor is being introduced to dictionary as a
tentative, and needs similar verification and approval by the
other authorized responsible editor.
2.4. Students
The proposed organization opens the way for wide participation
of amateurs in editorial activity. There is a great editorial
potential in the university students, especially those preparing
their master thesis, or PhD thesis. I think, that a text prepared
for the dictionary together with the supervisor, the professor
conferring the degree, and signed by both, could give
satisfaction to authors. The editorial activity of wider group can
greatly speed up the process of creation of dictionary. The
participation of students in this process have a substantial
influence not only on the dictionary content, but also in the first
place, on the habit to use our dictionary in the everyday activity.
It is not enough to create the dictionary. It will have a very little
influence on the purity of the language, if it will not be in a
popular use.
2.5. Inventory of thematic terms
The Multilingual Interdisciplinary Terminological Dictionary
for Geoinformatics of PAU covers very wide thematic field.
Specialists of many scientific and technical disciplines decided
to work to create that dictionary. In the first step the actually
used terms must be catalogued and described. It was decided to
make that cataloguing in separate thematic sub-dictionaries,
independently for each discipline, but not separately, in one
editorial team split periodically to thematic or inter-thematic
sub-teams. This thematic orientation may cause some deviation,
in selection of dictionary entries, from terms purely related to
geoinformatics, to the terms generally adequate to the particular
thematic discipline (eg. such disciplines as: photogrammetry
and remote sensing, geology, geography, GIS, cartography or
other). Considering the virtual recording of texts — the memory
space is practically not limited. Considering narrow
specialization of thematic editorial teams — it would be wise to
accept as the sub-directory entries also the terms that have no
direct meaning for geoinformatics, but belong to the thematic
discipline. That way in the sub-dictionaries can be registered
also entries that would not pass the final selection, which will
take place when selection and compilation of terms to the final
version of the great geoinformatics dictionary will be executed.
But the advantage for users of virtual version of the thematic
sub-dictionary will be in more rich selection of terms for
themselves. This means, that the virtual thematic sub-dictionary
is a very rich by-product of creation of the great geoinformatics
2.6. Languages and linking the dictionaries
Each thematic dictionary, and after integration, also the final
dictionary for geoinformatics, they can be edited in parallel in
as many languages as required. The languages can be carried on
in full extent of the dictionary texts, or only equivalents of terms
in other languages may be introduced. The other texts in some
languages can be added to dictionary at any chosen time. Also
an another, new language can be introduced at any time to
It would be easy to merge dictionaries edited separately in
various languages (eg. in various countries). There must be, in
both merged dictionaries, at least one common language (a
matching language). Finding corresponding entries in this
language in both dictionaries, gives a match to the entries, and
other pertaining texts, in all languages present in dictionaries
being linked.
3.1. The data base records
Each entry of the Dictionary, and the associated texts are
registered in the dictionary data base, in the data base modules.
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Basic module type “A
of the dictionary software
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Fig.3. Basic module type “A” of software of the dictionary is
shown above. The “Module type B” it is just one interactive
window field designated for “remarks and discussion”