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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B6. Istanbul 2004
The basic module, called here the module type A, consists of
the following records (fig.3):
o the identification number (ID) of an entry
main entry (the term)
entries for the synonyms
short thematic description of the term
examples of the proper and wrong use of the term
the links to the associated texts, more in technical
detail describing the term (encyclopedic report and
pertaining articles)
The module Al serves, in the first place, for registering the
tentative version of the texts. After they are verified, corrected
and approved, they are moved and registered in the module A2
(see fig 2).
The other module of the data base, which belongs to the term, it
is module type B. That module it is just one record which serves
for writing down the comments and a free discussion,
concerning the entry.
This three modules form an unit, used for registering each entry
(the term) in a one language. The corresponding entries in other
languages are registered in the similar units of the data base.
The corresponding entrees in all languages used in a certain
dictionary (or sub-dictionary) are linked by a common
identification number (ID).
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3.2. The program usage
The program of the dictionary, just after it is opened, asks for
identification of the leading language, and three other
n , oe 4
window enter general
1| to introduce an entry 2 25 | discussion
wi remets .
vindo 24 | of the entry
for the terms
our entry
languages, which will be accessible during the session. The
leading language it is the language of all the headings and texts
(eg. the helps) which belong to the program rather then to the
dictionary data base, and will be shown on the screen.
The English it is, by default, the language of the program when
it opens.
All four languages must be selected, though. When the user
wants to use only one or two languages, the other two positions
shall repeat one of the already selected languages.
After the languages are decided, on the screen appear
composition of windows shown on fig. 4. Here one can identify
the language for entries, which will be written by him in future
in window (1). To execute that one of the buttons (4-7) must be
clicked, to get the word YES on it. In a result all the entries
written in window (1) will be selected only from that data base.
Corresponding terms and synonyms in this and other languages
will automatically be shown in windows (8-15).
"Now, using buttons (16-20), the other texts associated with the
entry term, can be exposed in window (16). These texts, in a
tentative or final version (20), are:
o short thematic description of the term (button 17)
o examples of the proper and wrong use of the term
(button 18)
o the links to the associated texts, more in technical
detail describing the term (encyclopedic report and
pertaining articles) (button 19)
All these texts will be taken from the data base of that language,
which was chosen as a language for selecting the entrees.
Tentative version
Final version
the term examples links to
17 explanation 18] of use 19 articles
3 21 e 22 c» 23
language 1 (leading)
the synonyms
the window
% 4 © 8 the term 12 m sf:
e i language 2 n : - the thematic explanation of the
Has 9 the entry term 13 the synonyms meaning of entry
= - the examples of the proper and
bh wrong use of the observed term
ES language 3 io sononvais - for the links to the attached
s 6 10 the term 14 Ae Synonyms articles pertaining to the main
3 entry
3 language 4
2 dic im the synonyms 16
7 11 15
Fig.4. The main window of dictionary. One of the four preselected (4-7) languages can be chosen any moment to be the language for
entries (1-2). The entry term and corresponding terms in other languages appear in windows 8-15. The explanation of meaning of
main entry word, or examples of use, or the links to articles, are exposed in window 16 with help of buttons 17-20. Buttons 21 and 22
are for moving to previous or the next screen content.