Contents: XVIIIth Congress (Part B7)

The International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Volume XXXI, Part B7 
ISPRS Commission VII - Resource and Environmental Monitoring 
Table of Contents 
Al-Jarrah, Omar B. (IRAQ) 
Stability of Tigris River between Sammara and Baghdad 
Almeida-Filho, Raimundo (BRAZIL) 
Mapping of Hydrothermally Altered Areas in Vegetated Terrain, Using Multisource 
Data Integration and Segmentation Techniques 
Alves, Diogenes S. (BRAZIL) 
Characterizing Land Use Dynamics in Amazon Using Multi-Temporal Imagery and 
Segmentation Techniques 
Amamoo-Otchere, E. (NIGERIA) 
Digitali Working Base Map Production for the Global Sustainable Cities Programme: 
The Case of Sustainable Ibadan Project in Nigeria 
Awaya, Yoshio (JAPAN) 
Spruce Stand Monitoring Based on the Successional Spectral Trajectory Using 
Landsat TM Data 
Bagchi, Anil K. (OMAN) 
Application of Remote Sensing to Mapping of Expansive Soils and Rocks in Oman 
Bajzak, Denes (CANADA) 
Determination of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Using Multi-channel Air Borne and 
Space Borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) 
Baldin, Roland (GERMANY) 
Application of an Automatic Classbuilding and Segmentation Tool on Metabasitic 
Rockunits in the Southern Red Sea Hills, NE Sudan 
Ban, Yifang (CANADA) 
Multi Temporal ERS-1 SAR and Landsat TM Data for Agricultural Crop Classification: 
An Artificial Neural Network Approach 
Barbalata, Julian C. (CANADA) 
Analyse diachronique de la dynamique des milieux naturels par télédétection 
Bloemer, Hugh L. (UNITED STATES) 
A Comparative Analysis of Very High Resolution Multi Spectral Sensor Systems with 
Multi Stage Sensor Systems Data in Feature Extraction for Mountainous Terrain 
Boccardo, Piero (ITALY) 
New Methodologies for the Integration of Multispectral Data acquired by Aerial and 
Satellite Plattorms: The November 1994 Flood in Piedmont (Italy) Case Study 
Bock, Steffen (GERMANY) 
A Region-Based Approach to Land-Use Classification of Remotely-Sensed Image Data 
Using Artificial Neural Networks 
Bonetti Filho, Jarbas (BRAZIL) 
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Estuarine Water Fluxes through a Tidal Inlet 
Borodin, B.F. (RUSSIA) 
The Local Monitoring System "Biosphere TM" 

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