Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
performance of the estimator begins to deteriorate with the 
introduction. of three more NIR bands. Although it was 
discerned in the previous section that addition of Landsat 
ETM+ bands may contribute to better classification results, it 
also contributed to reduced accuracy in bathymetry estimation. 
Actual Depth (m 
lized rms error 
0.9988x + 2.3185 S 040 
R° = 0.7395 ë 
Z 0.20 
© Depth values + Ratio method 
—— legressed line 9 Using fused data 
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 
; Estimated Depth (m) Actual Depth (m) 
Figure 7. Comparison of estimated and actual depth (left) and 
normalized rms error on depth estimates against depth (right). 
There is a tendency to underestimate depths slightly at shallow 
areas while discrepancies are much more severe in deeper areas 
(Figure 7a). This could be caused by uneven spatial distribution 
of water quality parameters which could not be incorporated in 
the RTM. We compared the performance of the model against a 
log-ratio method of two bands (See Stumpf, 2003) and found 
out that although the error relative to depth is incr casing (by 
0.20 rms points), the bathymetry estimates are much more 
accurate than the previous method. 
3.4 Discussion 
Based on the findings above, we offer the postulate that there is 
a threshold to classification precision achievable with 
increasing number of bands, implying that it is sometimes 
impractical to obtain as much data to process when there is a 
limit to achievable accuracy. Optimum band placement and 
spatial resolution are better avenues for improved classification 
and depth estimates. 
Despite the advances made in improving discrimination of reef 
habitats, some caveats are in order, The procedure relies heavily 
on the assumption that benthic cover spectral properties remain 
invariant throughout the acquisition period. Corals and 
seagrasses are highly dynamic environment and may have 
change spectra accordingly. There are less minor issues such as 
anomalies in solar spectrum alterations and satellite drifts which 
could alter reflectance estimates but should be given careful 
attention. Image registration is as good only as the GPS used 
and the surveying technique employed to locate the transects. 
Also, the method is dependent on a number of physical 
parameters which could only be obtained by field surveys. It 
Will be difficult to implement the model for areas where prior 
data or field in-situ instruments are not available. 
We recommend that evaluation of errors due to image matching 
misregistration be addressed in future studies. Other promising 
techniques such as underwater photogrammetric methods, is 
another worthwhile in attempts to map morphology and 
bathymetry pursuit given the refined spatial resolution and 
precise positioning of the acquisition. 
In this paper, we have presented an approach to spectrally 
reconcile imageries produced by different sensors and acquired 
at different dates. We have also presented the benefits and 
consequences of such synergy in data sources processing 
methods in discriminating shallow water benthic habitats. This 
is therefore a clear attempt at synergy, not only of techniques to 
process images, but also a way to integrate various optical and 
physical in-situ measurements and their application to radiative 
transfer modelling to enhance information extraction. 
Since typical results from activities where multisource 
imageries are presented, this paper provides some specific tools 
and guidelines that planners and decision-makers involved with 
providing, producing and maintaining information resource on 
the tropical marine habitats, can have practical use. 
We are grateful to Mr Akayoshi Nakayama of the National 
Research Institute for Fisheries Engineering for providing the 
IKONOS images. The ASTER images were obtained thru the 
ARO (Announcement of Research Opportunity Program) of 
ERSDAC (Earth Resources Data Analysis Center (No. ARO- 
23). The SPOT images were purchased from support by the 
Japan Ministry of Environment in monitoring the Sekesei 
Lagoon National Park, Okinawa while Landsat was furnished 
by H. Kadoya of NHK. 
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