Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 | In
International Archives of the Photogrammetry,
CD-ROM) based on the specific author. Details of each
document are provided, such as the document type. topic
the GIS teams and are standardized to promote €25
e ol
SDSS Design category, area of concern, document title, author(s), abstract, | in
date published, and the source / resource center. | to
The SDSS design requires a secure web-based system |
accessible through the internet. Users of CMARIS and SDSS 2.4 Resource Center Database | T:
are categorized into two classes: secure and non-secure users. | i
Non-secure users can browse the website and view general The Resource Center Database holds a directory of 28
information in a read-only fashion. Secure users can log-in organizations and institutions where coastal and marine data is e
using user-ids and passwords to view propriety portions of the available. The resource name and focal person, contact
SDSS and update information in the database. This was information, the institution’s mandate, major areas of W
specifically designed for the system's future network focus/projects, and the website address are provided for each m
configuration. record. The user has the option to view, update a record, or add pa
new records to the existing database on-line. im
Overall, the system employs à fast. efficient and secure client-
server multi-threaded architecture that delivers information to 2.5 Environmental Law Database 3:
many users over an intranet or on the Internet. Some of the i
major characteristics of the design are: The Environmental Law Database holds an updated textual W
s Graphic User Interface (GUI) database containing annotated information on various th:
The GUI is simple, fast and efficient, in recognition environmental laws and regulation concepts, sea and marine dii
to a wide variety of users - from scientists, managers legislation, conventions, bilateral and multilateral agreements. wi
to researchers. It conforms to existing project ca
structures of organizations and supports drill-down Data is organized based on the particular topic or theme it co
logical queries. adheres to. Details include the title of the law/regulation, the sta
» Map Display and Query System category, and a short description citing the particular listing
This module support functions such as zoom, pan, related to it. The user is also allowed to add new records on- Th
query and SQL. It displays maps, photos and images, line. to
run video and audio clips. It contains predefined thr
spatial queries and solutions, which targets spatially Currently, the database holds 981 records, which are sin
oriented needs, such as, Project Location, Coverage categorized into the following: ca]
Area/Sub Areas, Project Stations or Sites, and - Biodiversity dit
Themes or layers of information. - Constitutional Provisions on the Environment for
» Database Engine and Architecture - Energy
The engine provides a web updating system that - Environmental Impact Assessment Th
automatically updates MS Access Records of the - Fisheries inf
GIS, and without any difficulty in updating specific - Forestry dat
records in the databases. - Indigenous Peoples Sur
=» Feedback and Reporting Module - International Environmental Law for
This module enables the exchange of information - Lands ma
between online users, based on the following options: - Marine
form to email, email-to-email system, and intranet - Mining Fin
chat features. Composition of reports consisting of - Pollution inh
tables. charts and graphs is easily accomplished in - Protected Areas me
response to queries. - Toxic Waste ma
- Water Resources int
2.2 Statistical Information Database Sud
Recently passed laws and policies in the country were added ext
The Statistical Information Database contains pertinent non- into the database as well as links to international laws, which
geocoded marine data and information on essential spatial directly affects the ASEAN region. Incorporation of such laws
attribute data on trade and consumption, fisheries related is seen as part of the future enhancements of the system.
matters, statistics of marine products and regional wide social
economic indicators. The
It allows for the storage and retrieval of attribute data in support ma
to the GIS-based Map Library. Inputs to the system contain 3.1 Existing Set-up onl:
statistical reports and other publications, which can be easily con
downloaded by the user. CMARIS is currently being managed by the Conservation mal
Research, Mapping and Systems Development (CRMSD) unit
2.3 Documents Database of WWE-Philippines, and is physically located at the WV
headquarters in Manila. The system, as well as data from infc
The Documents Database maintains an inventory of marine and various sources, is centrally stored in the CRMSD server. cap
other textual documents, which are organized to provide for on- stak
line encoding and document search facilities. To support ecoregional spatial data gathering initiatives among
the three countries, a network composed of GIS technical Wit
In this section, documents are categorized into 56 categories personnel of the WWF offices supporting SSME was con
(e.g. aquaculture, biodiversity, biological) and further established. This network aims to promote the use of CMARIS witi
subdivided into 21 document types (e.g. abstract, articles, book, as the main repository of ecoregional spatial data and other mar
support information. Data layers are continuously provided by of tl