nbul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
image and the proportion images of threshed cornfield,
umination deciduous forests, cornfield and buildings. For example, the
hood and brighter the pixel of the buildings proportion image is the larger
ssification the proportion of the class is in the pixel. It means that large
r and the buildings have brighter pixel. The results for coniferous forest
and road proportion images were worse.
Generally speaking the classification results were good. For
example, Maximum Likelihood classifier led to good results
(overall accuracy was about 91 percent), but it requires more
computation time. Spectral Angle Mapper and Spectral
Correlation Mapper were faster and they led to better
classification results in poor illumination. The results of
Minimum Distance classification were poor. Spectral Unmixin
algorithm worked in some cases. It produced good proportion
images for threshed cornfield, deciduous forests, cornfield and
buildings but coniferous forest and road did not work. The
suitable reference spectra for the mixed pixel were hard to find.
There was too much variation in the pixel values of the same
class. This study shows clearly that it is worthwhile to pay
attention to different methods when the reference spectra are
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lal image
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