Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
s 1st degree 2nd degree QuickBird Ikonos 
# of GCP RMS(m) RMS(m) 2 of 1° 3nd 1° 2nd 
10 8.69 degree | degree | degree | degree 
Ik 2 2 
ones 24 8.16 4.28 Gc? trans. | trans. | trans. | trans. 
: 10 7.65 GPS 9 13.04 - 17.603 
QuickBira 24 741 5.18 I8 | 13.778 | 14.137 | 16.216 | 7.682 
Hand-GPS 9 11.114 - 16.685 - 
Table 4. RMS errors calculated by orthophotos 18 11.873 | 29.744 | 20.597 | 2.128 
Orthophoto 10 18.002 - 20.288 - 
After the rectification process, geometric accuracy of images 24 21.531 |. 64.460 1.27.29] | 32.119 
was tested with ground truth measurements as areal extent and 
length. Manually digitized area and length measurements in two 
images were compared with the ones measured in field. As a 
length, a refuge in the middle of the road was selected; as an 
areal extent, a triangle established in the map of Tepekent 
residence site and its areal extent was calculated by AutoCAD 
software (Figure 4). The actual values of lenth and areal extent 
are 502.49 m and 932.343 m. 
Figure 4. Selected test areas in QuickBird image (left side) and 
Ikonos image (right side). 
The comparison was carried out according to the number of 
GCPs and order of transformation and outlined in Table 5, 6. 
QuickBird Ikonos 
1° 3nd 1% nd 
# of 
degree | degree | degree | degree 
GCP " 
trans. trans. trans. trans. 
GPS 9 0.51 - -6.26 - 
18 1,35 -0.48 -6.58 -4.08 
Hand-GPS 9 -6.73 - -4.71 - 
18 0.47 0.10 -5.29 2.66 
Orthophoto 10 1.19 - -2.00 - 
24 2.7] -1.78 -4.82 -0.94 
Table 5. The errors (meter) from the measured lengths in the 
images rectified using GPS, Orthophoto and Hand-GPS. 
Table 6. The errors (square meter) from the measured areas in 
the images rectified using GPS, Orthophoto and Hand-GPS. 
In the results of investigations, it was clearly seen in tables, the 
most correct result of length measurements was determined in 
the QuickBird image, which was rectified using 1/5000 scaled 
orthophotos with 24 GCPs and 2" transformation degree. In the 
comparisons of areal extent, the most correct result was found 
from the Ikonos image, which was rectified using orthophotos 
with 24 GCPs and 2™ transformation degree. From the results 
obtained that best accuracy was found applying 2" degree 
transformation to these high-resolution images. 
[n recent years Remote Sensing of Urban areas is getting more 
realistic and promising application field driven by the 
emergence of VHR images for general use (Ulubay et.al, 2003). 
The accuracy and interpretability of VHR data such as Ikonos 
and QuickBird image make it ideal data for planning and 
management efforts and help city managers in planning new 
development and developing urban growth studies (Maktav 
et.al, 2002). 
In this study, the geometric accuracy of VHR images has been 
tested with 2D transformation by using GCPs collected in 
different ways and comparisons between ground truth data and 
the measured length and areal extent in the rectified images 
were performed. From the comparison results, it was seen that 
the 2D polynomial nonparametric models gave reasonable 
results and the geometric accuracy of high-resolution satellite 
images is very satisfactory and this leads to conclusion that they 
can be used in land use mapping efficiently. It also shows that 
VHR images continue to provide more valuable and cost- 
effective spatial information that could help planning 
development in urban areas. 
Dial, G.; Grodecki, J., 2003. Applications Of Ikonos Imagery, 
ASPRS Annual Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2003. 
Fritz, L. W., 1999. High resolution commercial remote sensing 
satellites and spatial information 
z.html (Last accessed 15 April, 2004) 
Kritzschmar, E. Heinrich, D., Kiihnen, A.Bóhm, C., 2004. 
Application of EO Data for Urban Planning in Mega Cities, 
http://earth.esa.int/pub/ESA_DOC/gothenburg/] 405boeh.pdf 
(Last accessed 15 April, 2004) 
Maktav, D.; Erbek, S. F.; Akgün, H., 2002. Use Of HR Satellite 
Data For Monitoring Urban Growth, Third International 
We v 

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